Spanish III

Description of the Class:

Spanish 3 is taught by Sra. Diaz who uses an OWL -based learning environment. Throughout this class we have been unfortunately in a COVID environment. though, I have been able to learn much about being in online learning as well as having more time to perfect my Spanish skills. We do a variety of games, which include Quizlet Live, Achie Pachie, which tests our speaking skills, and Dibujo(drawing). Throughout this year, I have felt a little more challenged and spent more time developing my Spanish skills. I also have found ways to incoorperate more Spanish-speaking into my daily life.

Turisticas attractiones de Puerto Rico by Slidesgo/edited by Kayla White

Unidad 2 Proyecto(Unit 2 Project):

In this assignment we were given the tasks of choosing a Spanish-speaking country and describing 5 tourists attractions. The country I picked was Puerto Rico, though it is considered an American territory, Puerto Rico has a distinctive culture and people. Some of the attractions I included were the bioluminescent in the bays, some of the island, and some of the natural reserves and historic sites.

El Dia de Los Muertos Activities, MI Ofreda:

In this assignment, we would show our understanding of Dia de Los Muertos by creating an Ofrenda. In this ofrenda we could include some decorations that are commonly used in the dia de Los Muertos celebration. Additionally, we would choose a photo of a family member, pet, or friend that had passed and explain their life and most favorite activities. In my ofrenda I choose my grandma. Unfortunately, I've never met my grandmother, however, I know that my dad loved her very much so I wanted to show her in my ofrenda and explain all the things she liked to do.

Kayla White - Mi ofrenda
Kayla White - Week 11-12: Unidad 5 Speaking Project

Unidad 5 La Rutina Perfecta (My Perfect Routine):

In this assignment we would showcase our knowledge of Routines and our understanding of vocabulary through a presentation. The goal of this assignment was to help us showcase our knowledge with as little words on the screen as possible. We had multiple options to choose from while making this project. Though, I decided to create mine using google slides and record audio clips of me speaking. Various things I included in my routine was my face routine, showering, bedtime, and what I did throughout the day. One of the activities was practicing my instruments and I also included a video my piano playing in the slides.

Week 3 Assignment 2 (Las Comparaciones):

In this assignment, we would create a ven diagram comparing our New year's resolutions with a family member, pet, or friend. In my Diagram, I choose to compare me and my Cat's (Egypt) Resolutions. I included things such as my goals in music and art and career goals. So, I could then use my cat's nonexitsent goals as a comparison.

Kayla White - Unidad 6 Project: Mi Artista Favorito

Unidad 6 Mi Artista Favorito ( My favorite Artist):

This was the last assignment we had in the class. The directions were to choose a favorite artist and write (in Spanish) about their life, artwork, and my opinions on their pieces as well. The artist I choose to write about was Cosmo Whyte, who is a Jamaican artist that lives in Atlanta. He attended multiple schools for his degrees and has made himself a well-known artist for Atlanta. He has been very involved in the recent Black lives Matter protests and has created pieces representing Black, Asian, Hispanic, and Other minority experiences in America. One of the artworks I choose was from 2020 and it referenced to the missing black women across the country.