
Press link above for my GSU Dual Enrollment Portfolio*

Engineering Applications!

Check out my pinball machine with this link! ↓↓↓

Press link above to access my Senior Internships*


RS&H is ranked #48 out of 138,685 Engineering Services businesses in the US. I work 2.5 hours Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for a total of 7.5 hours each school week. Under my mentor, I have been going through different groups in their Atlanta location studying Transportation planning, surveying and roadways, civil engineering, and structural engineering.Β  They have offered me a summer internship and a paid college internship starting in the fall of 2024. They have also offered me a full-time position as a structural engineer when I graduate Georgia Tech, and have offered to reimburse my master's degree when I am hired full-time. Below is a link to both their website and my RS&H portfolio.


During the summer before my senior year, I worked as a paid intern at GTRI (Georgia Tech Research Institute). I, in addition to five other students, worked in the ATAS Laboratory under Walker Byrners and Nathan Damen. Our project is being used to help the Marcus Center for Therapeutic Cell Characterization and Manufacturing (MC3M). Their work includes research on therapeutic cell treatments and analyzing cells related to epigenetics. Their mission is as follows: To bring together clinicians, industry researchers, and project developers to tackle the issue of high quality cell manufacturing. Below is a link to my GTRI portfolio.

My Book!Β 

Check out my book with this link! Press the icon below to access my book on Amazon!


Check out my community service with this link!

Check out my job with this link!