9th Grade

 Spanish 3 Propaganda | En espanol mi clase y mi trabajar en un propaganda para la escuela. 

In this project for Spanish 3 I worked by myself to make propaganda for a rule at Drew. To create this I used the app Canva to create the two images and propaganda. 

English Assignment #2 | Sundiata Final Essay

This essay was about what a hero is and telling the story of Sundiata a king of Mali who in our opinions is a hero.


Comic Strip | English Assignment #3

In this final project we made a comic strip of Sundiata and 3 scenes from the book.  https://www.storyboardthat.com/storyboards/bb01f559/sundiata/edit 

English Assignment #4 | We entried all of our big projects throughout the year from beginning to end. 

In this assignment we prepared for the milestones on a 15 page document with true or false questions

In this assignment we worked on quadratic graphs and did a worksheet on it

We did a word bank and learned about graphs.

Learned about box plots and we did a worksheet and practiced them.

Newtons Rockets

We took a water bottle, drank the water out of it in like 3 seconds which was very impressive, taped 3 straws to it, filled half of it up with vinegar, rolled up some baking soda, got a cork, then put the baking soda in with the vinegar put the cork on turned the bottle over and BLASTOFF!! The movement was straight from the starting point even though some fell over. The balance was straight but because the ground was un even some rockets fell over.  Our rocket was straight but unfortunately fell over because of un even ground. We started with 3 straws but put more on to hold the force of the vinegar on the bottle. Our rocket still moved straight but on the ground. Next time we would make an adjustment by doing it on concrete instead of grass. 

Newtons Cradle

Newtons Cradle, chances are you have seen one before, you know the 7 marbles, balls, etc that bounce off each other when you pull the end back. We did one home made. We took some popsicle sticks and made a box/cradle, we took 7 marbles and wrapped string around them. Finally we taped and hot glued the marbles and string on the box where the marbles were aligned and dangling. Next we started our flipgrid to show how it worked, we pulled the marble back creating potential energy then... we let it go and the marble had kinetic energy and sent it into the other 6 marbles and the energy transferred to the other marble on the end and the process repeated. 

Spanish 3 Assignment Unit 5 | For our assignment/final project we made a travel vlog with a $5000 budget to spend.  We had to do a 2 month travel in all spanish and then record a flipgrid as a vlog in one of our hotels, hostels, tents, or airbnbs where we were staying. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1If5itHYtNpNmVSFMiz_B0vwwMPwXQwypcbQ5nivy07o/edit#slide=id.p1

AP Human Geography Assignment #1 | We built a map in class with the whole class to test our geography skills.

AP Human Geography Assignment #2 | We did a one pager to test our geography and our knowlege on map making and testing skills to prepare for the AP test.

 AP Human Geography Assignment #3 | In this project we studied farming around the world and we made a tri fold board on the farmers. I got a "Pastoral Nomad" Farmer. We made slide shows and even dressed up as farmers to present to our grade level. This project was very fun and enjoying.

AP Human Geography Assignment #4 | We made a music video dealing with topics we discussed year round and used vocabulary to replace the lyrics, we picked a song and recorded. We did this in groups of 4. And it was personally my favorite project of the year.

Immersive Experience | 

I made the music for the interactive showcase. I did this by using the app soundtrap and bandlab. I used some hooks then did the rest by hand using beatpads and the piano on my computer. I incorperated the theme of water by importing some sound effects into my beat as well including some of the beat drops water themed.  Im most proud of just the overall work I did so much. Next time I would have changed the time because I feel like my work could be 20x better if I had more time and more of a notice. 

Code.org | Digital Tech

We did Code.org to learn how to code and how to create apps.

Sundiata App | Digital Tech

We used our coding skills and designing skills to create an app in Code.org in partnership with our ELA class to show different foods, locations, and history of Mali and Sundiata's story. 

Final Portfolio Entries | Digital Tech Final Project

In this project we entried all of our big projects into our portfolio. We have came a long way from the beginning of the year and it shows in our entries.

Health Assignment 1: We did Artsteps to learn and make an immersive expieriance on nutritional facts and studies.

Health Final | https://watch.screencastify.com/v/FFU2QEMAuprHH1FoU0sD

We showed and demonstrated all of our artsteps projects from the beginning to now.