Professional Learning

Whether we know it or not we are constantly learning. We learn how to adapt to new technology trends, new state and district level mandates, and whenever we pick up a book or listen to a podcast. If you feel it is time for directed and specific learning toward outdoor education, please browse some favorite professional books, look at current offerings on Workshops and Webinars , or feel free to reach out for coaching below!

Environmental Education Certification in NC

Interested in becoming a North Carolina Certified Environmental Educator? DPS Outdoor Learning is here to help! Many of our events qualify for Criteria II and III workshops, offering a low cost and convenient way of acheiving your certification. Check out the NC Environmental Educators website to learn more and sign up!

Learning Outdoors - Guide.pdf

Looking to get started with Outdoor Learning? Our Learning Outdoors Guide is a great place to start! Looking to dive even further into your outdoor learning practice? Check out BOLD or sign up for a coaching session!