Attached below are the Phase 1 and 2 documents that you have already received.

Use these documents as reminders or references to go back and to build on.

Phase 1
Physical Fitness

During Phase 3, I will continue to add some information here. One website that would be very helpful for you and your students is the Choose My Plate website.

In this website you will find a lot of information in regards to healthy nutrition. The website also provides some games that you can play and have fun with for students. Here is the link:

This will take you to where you can get to a couple of games to play and learn. Don't just play the games, explore this website, and use the information to learn and grow.

The next link is a posture that gives you visual image as to what Choose My Plate is all about.

In your nutrition you will need certain amounts of all of these categories of food groups: Fruits, Vegetables, Grains, and Proteins. All of these amounts are based on your age and there are different goals you can reach. It is always important to eat a well balanced diet for every meal. Dive in to the information on this website. I will look to create my own plan and share with you what it could look like for me, but what works for me probably won't work for you. So go through that site with your parents and talk to each other about what it looks like for you and your family.


Walk and Notice

This is a walk that I took around my neighboorhood. Take a look at this video, answer the questions and draw what stick outs to you when you get home.


My Drawing after walk

This stood out to me because of the animal just standing there and looking. Everything was calm and no one was disturbing anything. Very peaceful nature.