Durham Public Schools AIG Policies

Durham Public Schools follows a current local AIG plan for 2019-2022 school year, required by Article 9B, detailing implementation of the law requirements. The plan, developed by a team of parents/guardians, teachers and community representatives, includes how to identify students who need additional services; what types of programs will be offered; how parents/guardians will be involved in the process; any special trainings staff may need; and how the plan will be evaluated. Each school, K-8, has an AIG Facilitator who is trained to coordinate AIG services. Requests for nominations or other inquiries should be directed to the AIG School-Based Committee.

Link to the DPS AIG Website: https://www.dpsnc.net/Page/167

According to Article 9B of the North Carolina AIG Program Standards law, academically or intellectually gifted students perform or show the potential to perform at substantially high levels of accomplishment when compared with others of their age, experience, or environment. Academically or intellectually gifted students exhibit high performance capability in intellectual areas, specific academic fields, or in both the intellectual and specific academic fields. Academically and intellectually gifted students require differentiated educational services beyond those ordinarily provided by the regular educational program. Outstanding abilities are present in students from all cultural groups, across all economic strata, and in all areas of human behavior.

North Carolina mandates that schools serve our gifted population and has provided for six standards and practices that should be implemented in each of the LEA's. These include the following:

1. Student Identification

2. Differentiated Curriculum and Instruction

3. Personal and Professional Development

4. Comprehensive Program within a Whole School Community

5. Partnerships

6. Program Accountability

Additional information regarding the state policy can be found by clicking on the link below. These include both the standards and practices for each standard.