
Parent Communication

We will be using ClassTag to relay information and general grade announcements to families. 

Google Meet will be used to hold any virtual meetings. 



You can contact teachers over email or through messaging on ClassTag. 

Ms. Rachek - jamie_rachek@dpsk12.org

Mr. Menard - andrew_menard@dpsk12.org 

Click the button to access a "Welcome to ClassTag" slideshow:

4th Grade ClassTag Link:

Homework Guidelines

Before School Drop Off & After School Pick Up

Please do not drop off children prior to 7:30. Students will be picked up from the basketball court between 7:38 - 7:40. There will be staff members outside the building monitoring drop off starting at 7:30. Fourth grade will be released at the end of the day at the same spot on the basketball court. Please stay behind the line marked on the ground and wait for the teacher to send your student to you. Special after school instructions for release should be submitted to the office in writing.

Excused & Unexcused Absences and Tardies

ABSENCES: Always email the office if your child is ill and cannot attend school. If a child has excessive absences during a trimester, a note from the doctor is required in order for additional absences to be considered excused. We recognize that there can be extenuating circumstances, so the school attendance officer may make exceptions on a case by case basis. Any COVID procedures, positive tests, questions, concerns, please contact Principal Salazar. 

Principal Ron Salazar Email: ronald_salazar@dpsk12.net 

Office Email: Attendance_Steck@dpsk12.org 

TARDIES: Arrival in the classroom after 7:40 a.m. will only be considered excused if accompanied by a note or appointment card from a child’s doctor, dentist, orthodontist etc. We encourage parents to make appointments outside of school hours whenever possible. Teachers will contact parents if a pattern of tardiness begins to emerge. After 10 unexcused tardies, parents will be contacted by the attendance officer (our school psychologist) to help generate a plan of support and next steps.


If possible, all medication should be given at home. If a child must be given medication during school hours, the Student Medication Request Release Agreement must be filled out by your child’s doctor (for prescription and non-prescription medicine) and returned to the office. Medication can only be administered by the nurse or office staff and will be given in the office. Students should not have any medications in their pockets, classroom, or backpack (including cough drops) for safety reasons.


3rd - 5th grade students celebrate birthdays on a monthly basis.  At all grade levels, celebrations are kept short, usually 10 - 15 minutes at the end of the day. Please collaborate with parents of students in both classes whose birthdays are in the same month and be sure to notify teachers that you will be bringing treats. Please review the recommended birthday treat list carefully. We have 44 fourth graders this year.

School Recommended Treats: 

All birthday treats provided must be small and in individual servings. No treats should require preparation, cutting, peeling or the use of utensils.