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Dear parents,

We are watching a few videos from el Señor Wooly CD so I am sure many of your kids go home telling you the stories of a goofy spanish teaching somewhere else in the USA.

that link will answer all your questions!!



Dear families,

During the first weeks of this year we are review the things that the kids practiced last year. If you want extra work for home please download Bitsboard (#1 education app) and look for the packages created by me. Look for SIS and there will be a lot of free stuff the kids can practice on ipad!

Also there is stuff created by other teachers that can be of great help. Bitsboard is a free software that work just like Rosetta Stone.



Dear parents and students at Swigert Elementary.

Thank you for visiting the spanish class website. This site will contain information about the classes, material, updates, app, articles and many other things that are related with second language acquisition, in our case Spanish.

Please feel free to contact me for anything that you would like to post:
