Year B Autumn Term

Down Hall The Romans Knowledge Organiser.pdf

This term, in our project we will be learning about the Romans and their impact on Britain today. We will be focusing on how people lived during these times including; lifestyles, housing and public baths. In science, we will be looking at Forces and Magnets. In RE we will be looking at Islam, in particular focusing on places of worship and prayer.

Here are some of the articles we will be covering in our lessons:

RRS Article 17- Every child has the right to reliable information from the press to mass media, television, radio, newspaper and other media should provide information that children can understand. Governments must help protect children from materials that could harm them

RRS Article 27- Every child has the right to an adequate standard of living that is good enough to meet their physical and mental needs.

RRS Article 29- Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full. It must encourage the child’s respect for human rights as well as their respect for their parents, their own and others cultures, and the environment

If you would like to find out more about Children's Rights, follow this link:

Being Me in My World & Celebrating Difference

Our JIGSAW Puzzle piece for PSHE this half term is ‘Being in My World’. We will explain why being listened to and listening to others is important in the school community. Furthermore, the children will be learning to identify why being democratic is important and can help themselves and others feel valued.

After half term our Puzzle piece is ‘Celebrating Difference’. In this piece the children will recount times when their first impression of someone changed as they got to know them. They will be able to explain why bullying might be difficult to spot and the steps that should be taken if they are not sure about what to do. Furthermore, there will be lessons to identify why it is good to accept themselves and others for who they are.

roman homework menu

Roman Homework Menu