Google Suite Apps

Google Drive


Creating and organising documents (classroom folders)


Google Docs


Google Slides


Google Sheets


Google Keep

Google Keep is a great way to save your To Do lists, notes, save links or make plans.

These notes save within you Google student account and will copy across to all your signed in devices.

You can also share your notes with your peers or LAs.

Keep cheat sheet.pdf


Google Docs

Create a Google Doc about Shellharbour. The document should contain some information about the history of Shellharbour and things to do in Shellharbour. Your document will contain a timeline drawing (template link below) and images.

Link for historical images

Timeline Template

When finished, download the doc as a .pdf and submit to Google Classroom.

Google Slides

Group Activity - In groups of 3 complete the following slide show (groups should be from the same Learning Circle)

One person opens the slide show.

The slide show is Read Only, so to edit you need to make your own copy.

Share the slide show with the other two people in your group.

Divide the work up, each person does two slides