The Gmail interface

Gmail is a great way to communicate between your peers and LAs. You will receive regular emails from your LAs, Compass, Google Classroom and other sources. Check Gmail daily so you don't miss any news or class work.

Manage your emails - organise and sort them so you can find what you need, when you need it.

Do not send emails with any offensive or non school related content.

Gmail interface.pdf

Inbox Type

Changing the inbox type can help organise gmail so that it is easy to find emails that are important.

In the example shown any unread emails will show first, followed by any emails that you have stared (if you star an email you are flagging it as something you need to take action on). Everything else would be emails that you have read and don't need to take an action.

Using Labels and Filters

Labels are very useful if you would like to arrange and categorise your inbox. Labels allow you to organise all incoming and current emails.

Using Labels makes it very easy for you to find emails that relate to a particular topic, class or activity.

Try setting up some Labels and applying them to emails you have in your Inbox already.

>Learning Circle

Gmail labels.pdf

Filters are very useful for organising incoming emails. You are able to set up Filters to apply a Label, Start it, make it important or do other things. This is a great way to manage your emails and track them.

Try setting up some Filters for your incoming emails.

Gmail Filters.pdf

Email signatures

An email signature is text, your contact or sign off information, that’s automatically added at the end of Gmail messages as a footer. Use Signatures to add a touch of professionalism to your emails.

Gmail signatures.pdf

Sending emails

When sending an email, you are able to just simply write a message, include images, add attachments or even send a link.

Gmail Send and attach.pdf

Replying and forwarding emails

Once you receive an email, you have a few options in regards to how you respond.

You are able to Reply to the person who sent the email, only they will see your message.

You are able to Reply all to all of the recipients of the original email, they will all see your message.

You are able to Forward the original email to somebody else.

Gmail reply and forward.pdf

Undo Send

Ever sent an email and immediately remembered that you needed to add something else. Or changed your mind about sending the email. Undo Send gives you up to 30 second to retrieve the email before it is gone forever......

Email Etiquette

Communicating with staff

Communicating with other students

Use of school email account

Communications policy?

How to email an LA.pdf
How to Email LA - Examples.pdf


Using Compass and your learning schedule, find your Learning Circle advisor and send them an email using the email etiquette guidelines above. Include in your email:

  • 2 things you have enjoyed about high school so far

  • 2 things that you have found to be the most challenging things about high school so far

  • What you are looking forward to, and what you hope to have achieved by the end of this term (be it socially, in the classroom, sports etc)