Trello is a collaboration tool that organizes your projects into boards. In one glance, Trello tells you what's being worked on, who's working on what, and where something is in a process. Dorian uses Trello to track a job's progress through the lab as well as yearly tasks for studios, ID card packets, contract renewal, and more.
As an office manager, you will use the "Board" view; found in the left sidebar, This view displays all the boards shared with you.
Boards represent processes such as Contract Renewal or ID Card Packet Approval. The lab has a separate board for each job type (i.e. Undergrad, Personality, etc).
Within each board you'll find a series of lists
Lists function as steps in a process (i.e. Image Prep, Onsite, Retouching)
For lab boards, each list is populated with cards representing jobs that are currently in that department
Enter the job ID in the search bar to find which list it is currently in
Each department has a checklist to be completed before it moves to the next
At the bottom of the card you will find a history with comments, completion dates, and card moves
The lab will tag a user for additional information by creating a card comment that begins with “@username”. This will generate an email to that user with a link back to the Trello card for response.
In your response, please note that Trello comments are only for action items. It is not a place to have back and forth conversations/thoughts. Every comment that is entered sends an email notification to everyone on that Trello card.
Service items noted in Trello should include product name, quantity, and any other pertinent information. Not all production staff has access to Salesforce.
You will work in the ID card board as we; creating cards for new accounts and requesting changes. See the ID card page for information on that process.
Trello SOPs