Alumni Grand Ball

Get ready to reminisce and celebrate the enduring spirit of camaraderie at our Alumni Grand Ball on Saturday, February 10th, from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Held at the nostalgic setting of our Gymnasium, this grand affair is an exclusive opportunity for alumni to come together for an unforgettable evening.

As the clock strikes 7:00 PM, the night will unfold with elegance, laughter, and a sense of shared history. Reconnect with old friends and forge new connections while enjoying an hour of festivity and nostalgia. The Alumni Grand Ball is a testament to the enduring bonds formed during your time with us.

Join us for an enchanting evening filled with music, dance, and a touch of sentimentality. It's a night to celebrate the cherished memories and the lifelong connections that define the essence of our alumni community. Your presence will make this gathering truly remarkable as we come together to honor the past, celebrate the present, and look forward to the future.