Eligibility Requirements

ADS provides accommodations to students with approved documentation of physical, learning, psychological, and chronic health conditions.

Documentation must include the following components:

  • Completed by a licensed or credentialed examiner (not a family member)

  • A description of the disability or health issue that requires accommodations, including the diagnosis and history

  • A description of the current impact in an educational setting

  • A description of the expected duration, frequency, severity, and progression of the condition

  • List of recommended accommodations

Examples of disability documentation include:

  • Educational, psychological, or medical records;

  • Reports and assessments created by healthcare providers, psychologists, or an educational system;

  • Documents that reflect education and accommodation history, such as Audiology Reports and Vision Assessments;

  • Statement from a healthcare or other service professional.

If you have ANY questions about documentation, including getting documentation, determining what constitutes "good" documentation,

or sending documentation, please email us at accessibility@dominican.edu or call us at 415-257-1388.