
Notetakers are volunteers who agree to share their notes with a peer in the classroom. Sometimes the student they are taking notes for will disclose their identity to them, so they can collect the notes from them right after the class is over. However, when the student requiring the notes does not feel comfortable revealing their identity, the notetaker will deliver the notes directly to ADS or the professor, so that we can deliver them to the student without compromising their privacy.

Notetakers are able to place their role as a notetaker for ADS on their resume for future jobs. Additionally, for professors who practice Universal Design, these notetaker's notes may be published on Moodle for ALL students in the class who might benefit from another set of notes to help them engage with course material.

Here are the options for delivery of notes for notetakers:

  • A hard copy of notes will be given directly to ADS (copy will be made free of charge in Bertrand 109)

  • An electronic copy of notes will be emailed directly to ADS (e.g. WORD document, scanned copy of notes, a high-quality image)

  • An electronic copy of the notes will be uploaded to an online file sharing platform (e.g. Google Drive, Dropbox) where it will be shared with ADS

  • An electronic copy of the notes will be uploaded to an online file sharing platform (e.g. Google Drive, Dropbox) where it will be shared with the STUDENT.

  • Other: (Notetaker will be able to make another suggestion here)

Here are the policies that notetakers must agree to with ADS:

1. I will attend classes as scheduled. If I am absent from class, I will make reasonable effort to inform both the instructor and ADS so that alternative note taking arrangements can be made.

2. I will take clear and comprehensive notes to the best of my ability.

3. I will provide a copy of my notes to the designated person/department (that I will indicate below in this agreement) in a timely manner, preferably between 24 to 72 hours.

4. Should I be approached by the student for whom I am taking notes, I will keep his/her/their accommodations to have a note-taker confidential.

5. If I have any questions or concerns, I will contact ADS by email ( or call them at 415-257-1388.

If you are willing to be a notetaker for a peer in the class, please complete the Notetaker Agreement Form: here.