MultiMedia Technology Research

Research Projects: Objective- do some background research in a new technology to share in a multimedia project.

Technology Topics:

Choose one of the following :

  • Technology in the oceans
  • Alternative Energy- ex: Wind, Solar, Hydro power
  • Security Systems
  • The future of the battery
  • Technology in Space
  • Tablets
  • Laptops
  • Cameras
  • What's newest in HD tvs?
  • Robotics
  • 3D printers
  • Phones
  • Personal Assistants
  • The automated car?
  • others
  1. Do some background reading- save sources in Padlet named "Technology Research"
    1. must be signed into Chrome
    2. must have Google Keep
    3. and Keep Extension
  2. Find at least 3-5 good sources on your topic. Be sure to include objective sources, therefore if you are using iphone, try a site such as, or,
  3. Start a research page on Google docs- share it with Mrs. Webster
  4. Take some notes- add to the Google docs

Hints- what is new in this area? Do not write a history project.



Part 2: Moving Research to Mulitmedia

Using create a presentation of your research.

Must include from above. Put in presentation format- sentences at minimum - use Titles, subtitles, and bulleted/listed information. Cite the sources as you go and include a works cited- works cited can be copied from your Google Document. You will be expected to turn in your notes- with citations, works cited, and a link to your emaze.

Include the following:

Research - in an organized manner- include intext citations

    1. 15-25+ pictures
    2. Web-video of yourself -introduction- include your name and your topic of research
    3. video- youtube- be sure to split/edit parts that you need- you may combine more than one- some sound must be turned down- so that you may narrate the youtube video
    4. Narration of research
    5. Titles, captions, closings
    6. Music - no lyrics, background (helps get rid of ambient sounds)
    7. More- challenge yourself

Videos: To add a video using the free YouTubedownloader: open and enter the URL address of the webpage you want to download from into the field on the top of the page.

Click the "Download" button on the right and you will get the list containing all available links. Choose a format anddownload.

Save it in your folder, then add it through your Images/videos button in Movie Maker.

Move from Downloads- choose show downloads, then move it to your movie maker folder with your images and the movie.

Then go to moviemaker and add the video from the "Add Videos/Photos button.

Adobe Spark Example- downloaded and uploaded:
