AI Career Explorations

The resources listed on this page offer information about AI Career Explorations. If you have a resource you'd like to suggest, please complete the form linked here.


3 Factors To Consider Before AI Adoption Infographic: Scroll down the infographic and look at the top 8 skills organizations need for AI integration. This will be a good one to share when educators talk about AI careers with students and colleagues. 3-19-19

5 things you should know about the future of jobs: The findings of our latest Future of Jobs Report look at the trends expected in the 2018-2022 period in 20 economies and 12 industry sectors. From the World Economic Forum. 9-17-18

A Future That Works: Automation, Employment, and Productivity: This report from McKinsey analyzes the automation potential of the global economy, the factors that will determine the pace and extent of workplace adoption, and the economic impact associated with its potential.

Age of Agility Report: This report explains the shifts that K-12 education in the U.S. must make to prepare students for work in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. 2017

AI isn’t taking our jobs - but it is changing how we recruit: This article's author argues that AI is increasingly revealing itself as more of an enabler than a disruptor. Read it to learn why. 1-14-19

Girls Get Tech. They Just Need Others to Believe It: New research explores how access to technology helps put girls on par with boys. 2-12-19

Skills shift: Automation and the future of the workforce - This briefing, part of McKinsey's research on the impact of technology on the economy, buisness, and society, quatifies time spent on 25 core workplace skills today and in the future for five European countries (France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom) and the United States and examines the implications of those shifts.

Tech Giants, Gorging on AI Professors Is Bad for You: This article explores the question, "If industry keeps hiring the cutting-edge scholars, who will train the next generation of innovators in artificial intelligence?" 1-7-19

This Administrator Helped Shape Tech at Colleges For More Than 40 Years: In this interview, Marty Ringle suggests, "There should be a required course on ethical dimensions of technology to make sure that people who are in the trenches are exposed to these things and that there's some thought being given at every level to putting in safeguards." Designing and teaching these courses could become a new career speciality.

Verge Genomics: This company is using machine learning to develop drugs more quickly and safely.

Women in STEM Benefit from Same Sex Support: We don't understand all the reasons why there are fewer women in STEM careers, but have learned that when women are in doctoral programs with many female students, they are more likely to complete the program, which then enhances the likelihood of a STEM career. 9-19-18


Role Models in AI - AI4ALL: A great resource for sharing with students while discussing careers in AI. The website offers a series of bios of people who are working in AI.