1. Introduction to AI

The resources listed on this page offer supporting information for Module 1 of the AI Explorations course. If you have a resource you'd like to suggest, please complete the form linked here.


32 Ways AI is Improving Education: Overview of Ways AI can be used in classrooms to support teaching and learning. 8-10-18

A Look Inside The Human Neural Network Activity From Our ‘Artificial Intelligence: How Computers Learn’ TechShop: Interactive, unplugged activity to explain AI. ND

The Algorithm (MIT Newsletter): AI demystified. This newsletter is delivered to your email box twice weekly. ND

Artificial Intelligence: But Where is the Intelligence? Activities you can use to help explain AI to teachers and librarians. Some are unplugged. ND

Artificial Intelligence in Education: A review of current literature published by ISTE. 1-19-18

Facebook AI Lab in Pittsburgh Could Mean Millions in Funding for Carnegie Mellon University: Read about why Facebook is funding an AI lab that will focus on robotics, systems that learn continuously, teaching machines to reason and how AI can improve creativity. 7-18-18

Introductory Guide to Artificial Intelligence: Introduction to AI, playground link has AI examples. 5-22-18

Is this AI? We drew you a flowchart to work it out: Use this flowchart to determine whether or not something actually is considered to be AI. 11-10-18

Talking Artificial Intelligence, Economic Disruption and Education in New South Wales: Interview with Leslie Loble, Deputy Secretary of Education for External Affairs and Regulation in New South Wales, Australia to discuss artificial intelligence and the future. 11-29-17

What K-12 students should know about AI: An article connected to a report that explains some of the top concepts students should know about AI. 12-12-18


Coding and Digital Skills Program: Canadian non-profit Actua has curated and shared a list of 20+ AI resources and tools for K-12 classrooms. Scroll down to find descriptions of and links to each resource/tool.

Hour of Code Website for O H Anderson Elementary School: This site is a map of 5 rooms parents can visit during our Hour of Code event Dec 4. There are a couple of links to AI websites (MixLab and Google Mystery Animal) - and another link on that page to my AI website that is a collection of various AI video articles that I have found helpful during this AI class. (Submitted by Beth Erlenborn)

Tensorflow.js: An open source machine learning library people can use to find java script to create amazing AI projects. For example, Webcam controller is a fun way to use your webcam to record images of various actions or poses that can be used to move your Pac-man up, down, left or right. These images compose a collection called a neural network from which the computer learns how to operate in the game. There are many more interesting experiments to discover on the Tensorflow blog.


Crash Course - Artificial Intelligence: Series of 12 minute episodes that trace the history of AI and how it works. Hosted by PBS.

Ted Talk - Computer Written Poetry: This Ted Talk really does a great job of explaining what it means for a computer to be able to pass the Turning test and demonstrate AI.