Marie Dompè created the monument in memory of Alcide de Gasperi. In 1985 Marie Dompè had her first exhibition in Rome and she showed a free, indipendent evolution, never bound to pre-established schemes. She soon began to love art:she studied at the Arts High School and she obtained a diploma in sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts. She did a long sculpture apprenticeship in two laboratories in artistic stone in Pietrasanta and Rome. She received international scholarships: in 1991 ( The Japan Foundation with a Japanese permanence ) and in 1996 ( The Rollock - Krasner Foundation in the United States). Maria Dompe’s instinctive need is to continually change the expression of her creativity: From the initial stone sculpture to the “Artist Gardeons” with peculiar modeling of the terrain. In 1989 the artist began an ellectic and far - sighted dialogue with space and created works conceived and shaped only for that place. She created a landscape harmony between past and present history. It is contained in a synthesis capable of suggesting the futur use of the placethemselves. “Interventions in space”, as Dompè like to call them, are real artistic or monumental raids, made in Italy and abroad. The artist make small or large size works because she wants to find a superior balance “like nature teaches”. Marie Dompè works very hard to depict the emotions with art. Marie Dompè made a lot of important works including the monument adopted by our class. In this short extract she clarifies the inspiration and the creative finality enclosed in the work. “The Sovrintendence invited me and other artists to take part at the competition for a monument in memory of Alcide de Gasperi. I was recently back from a stay in Trentino for the creation of a work in Val di Stella and I immediately took inspiration from this experience. The avaiable area was limited: a triangular pedestrian island, where a brushstroke of the colour of nature (green) was necessary for landscape contrast, a free modern interpretation of small monumental space but of wid symbolic value”. “At the beginning I carried out many inspections, historical investigations, environmental impact cheks and then I thougt about the project I sat several times at the corners of the urban space intendent to charge contain the monument, where I imagined the best possible representation to express an emblematic human history so rich and important. The message had to be significant anyway, so I thougt I would pay homage to unconditional love by De Gasperi felt for the green nature valleys of Trentino, enclosing in a symbolic embrace a corner of his lawn, included the intellectual wisdom, metaphorically engraved in bronze plates. The words quoted and engraved are modern and far - sightes at a political and cultural level. I had an image that I wanted to express and impress with the monument . a space - island to pause and reflect on the enlightened thougts of Alcide De Gasperi.