Module 6

Careers in Game Design

Goals of this module

  • Students can explore the desired skills and aptitudes required for a career in game design.

  • What subjects in secondary school could prove beneficial to persue a career in game design?

  • See how a traineeship in game design can increase skill levels in this area.

  • Discover examples of classroom activities and discussion topics that broadens understanding of a career in game design.

  • What are some of the roles within the gaming industry?

  • Provide starting points for further resources.

  • Discover relevant resources students can access to expand their knowledge of career options in this industry.

Interview - Penny Davison EA Firemonkeys

In the video below Penny Davison describes how a love of playing games grew into becoming a game designer.

Classroom Activities

Task 1: What is involved in game design?

Students can view the definition of game design in Wikipedia

Penny discusses how she was fortunate to take on an internship at her current employer some opportunities are offered at and other game companies. Students could benefit from exploring opportunities available across the industry

Invite students to look at the game design and game developer currently on offer at

Another excellent resource designed for students to research can be found at the Careers with STEM Hub. 'The Careers with STEM hub is a student-focussed website that includes surprising STEM careers pathways, insights into the future of work'. The link below leads to a terrific magazine about article about careers in game development

Task 2: Close Video Analysis

At 0:19 - Penny describes her work with EA Firemonkeys as a game designer. There are many facets to this work and students might compare Penny's description with what their own prior ideas may have been.

At 1:28 - Penny discusses how she got into game design as a career. From loving playing games she is now enjoying her career immensely. Perhaps students could explore their current interests and research into jobs that may stem from this interest. Allied to this, Penny had a wide range of academic interests at secondary school. Her personal and academic interests proved to be a great combination.

At 2:16 - Penny describes how she was able to take up an internship. Question students if they are aware that many industries offer internships. It could be worthwhile exploring this aspect of the IT industry. Emily in Cybersecurity also had a position as an intern.

At 3:10 - Like other IT professionals interviewed in this resource, (Emily nursing, Caroline Marketing) Penny began her university pursuit in another field. Penny also says it's important to take a step forward and if it's the wrong one go back. What pressures do students feel from parents, peers and teachers in making the correct career/subject choice?

From 4:39 to 5:22 - (and later on at 15:59 transferable skills) Penny talks about the skills she uses in her day to day work. It may be a surprise to students to learn how important 'soft skills' are in her everyday work.

At 7:01 - Penny looks at Gender balance in the game design course. This could be a worthwhile research or discussion topic for students to participate in.

At 10:21 - Penny's typical day highlights once more the importance of being able to communicate effectively and work as a team. The day begins with a 'stand up'. What do students understand by this term?

At 13:01 - Future career prospects in the gaming industry is touched on and figures. The Interactive Games and Entertainment Industry Association has published figures on the growth in this industry.

At 14:43 - Penny offers some advice to current secondary students. She offers research into careers as important but also for students to keep their options open, don't rush and don't be worried about taking steps, even if they might be initially in the wrong direction.

Deeper Research

Courses in game design and game development are plentiful. The Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC) is an excellent place to begin searching for study beyond year 12.

Downloadable Guides and Activities

Teachers' Guide

The aims of the Teachers' guide are to:

· To identify some factors that may influence a person’s career path and see that there are a variety of means to achieve qualifications.

· To gain an understanding of how ICT and Digital Technologies are used in cyber security now and likely trends for future use.

· To undertake a self assessment of some features that relate to working in cyber security to help identify possible level of interest and ability in using these in future careers.

Click here to download the teachers guide

Teacher Lesson Plan

This sheet outlines ways to tackle this module it contains ideas for discussion/outline of broad options for working in game design and the varying focus on ICT and Digital Technologies in different roles in the industry.

Click here to download the teacher lesson plan

Student Worksheet

The student worksheet invites students to delve deeper into a career in Game Design

Click here to download the student worksheet

Industry Growth and Potential

PwC reports, in this article, The gaming industry shows no signs of slowing down,

"Total interactive games and esports revenue in Australia reached A$3.41 billion in 2020, and is expected to increase to A$4.9 billion in 2025. Based on the midpoint forecast scenario, the sector is set to grow at a healthy 7.5 percent CAGR between 2019 and 2025."

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