Module 5

Careers in Teaching

Goals of this module

  • What are some ways knowledge of Digital Technologies can benefit a career in teaching?

  • What are some of the rewards a career in teaching could bring?

  • Discover examples of classroom activities and discussion topics that broadens understanding of a career in Teaching.

  • Discover relevant resources students can access to expand their knowledge of career options in this profession.

  • What might teaching look like into the future with the impact of technological advancement?

Interview Part 1 Corrie Barclay - Teaching as a career

This first video covers Corrie's experiences early in his career and includes his thinking around beginning his career in education. Corrie discusses his early years as a teacher and his current role as a principal at Newtown Primary school, the rewards and challenges it brings.

Interview Part 2 Corrie Barclay -Technology in Teaching

In this video Corrie discusses the role of technology in education especially in light of the COVID remote learning experience. He contemplates how education might look in the next few years and the influences some technologies may have in the classroom.

Classroom Activities

Task 1: Research

The Teach the Future website hosted by the Victorian Government has an excellent amount of information about those looking for teaching careers in Victoria. The site contains information and videos from practising teachers about:

  • the benefits of becoming a teacher

  • types of teaching

  • University courses available

  • Salary prospects and incentive payments and

  • Jobs currently available in Government Schools

Another good Australian site explores what do teachers do and what are the rewards? The Teach Queensland website outlines lots of great benefits in becoming a teacher. It lists making a positive impact by helping others, being a role model for young people, having a varied career and enjoying good renumeration amongst others.

Task 2: Sharing

There are of course challenges in any career. By using a simple drawing of a seesaw and slips of paper, students can balance the rewards on one side of the seesaw and the challenges on the other. Which way does the seesaw fall in their opinion? Students can take photographs (school policies dependant) and upload to a shared drive in the schools LMS.

Task 2A - Video Analysis - Becoming a teacher

In the video interview Part 1 Corrie gives some background to the decision making he went through to become a teacher. Near the start of the interview he identifies a pivotal moment when discussing his future career with a teacher. After discussion and thought students could brainstorm their own trusted career advisors and sources of information. There are a number of online brainstorming tools students could use such as Mindmeister or Jamboard

At 2:00 Corrie discusses how he combined his love of sport and the idea of teaching as a career with a course he researched into at Victoria University. His ATAR was less than he wished but he discovered an alternative way to successfully get into the Primary PE teaching course at VU. According to The Australian Department of Education, Skills and Employment, "The share of offers for applicants with no ATAR or who were non-Year 12 applicants was 60.5 per cent in 2020, up from 60.1 per cent in 2019." It would be a very valuable opportunity at this point to discuss the role of ATAR and further education with your students. The above theme is continued at 3:08 where Corrie discusses his subject selections for his VCE studies. The information at VTAC about the ATAR and how it is calculated would be some important information to consider.

At 8:00 Corrie is asked about the skills young people require to become teachers. Amongst others he mentioned interpersonal relationships and communication skills. What capabilities are needed to build interpersonal and communication skills? Given their knowledge of school environments, students can add their own thoughts to the list.

Further to the advice above Corrie's advice to aspiring students aspiring to the challenging career as a teacher. One was that they need to have a Growth Mindset. What does he mean by this term?

Task 2B - Video Analysis - Digital Technologies and Teaching

At 1:00 Corrie reflects on the changes he has seen the use of technology in schools over his 20 years as an educator. He mentions a lap top trolley (COW - Computers on Wheels) and how he took up the challenge to be one of the first staff to effectively use the trolley. Students here could reflect on the changes they have seen in the use of technology in schools during their educational life. Has it been of benefit to them?

The Impact of COVID 19 has seen teachers work radically change with the use of video conferencing and educational software. At 1:24 (and further on) Corrie mentions tools such as G-Suite, Microsoft 365 and Seesaw as being effective means for teachers and students to communicate under these difficult circumstances. The impact of COVID 19 on the future of the workplace is a topic of high interest reported widely in the media. Students could reflect and research media articles on how working from home may have a lasting impact on workplaces. They could add their add their own thoughts to the topic. Another discussion point would certainly include their own experiences using technology remotely.

At 3:59 and at 9:42, future trends in technology use in schools is discussed. Robotics, Coding, 3D Printing as well as Augmented and Virtual Reality are mentioned as being of benefit to student learning outcomes. Universities are now preparing their Graduates to understand how best to employ these technologies in classrooms. However, Corrie does mention that although these technologies are excellent tools for teachers to use, factors such as equity of access to devices and screen time are important considerations. What other factors can students suggest that need to be taken into consideration when teachers use technology in classrooms?

Deeper Research

Courses in teaching are plentiful. The Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC) is an excellent place to begin searching for study beyond year 12

Downloadable Guides and Activities

Teachers' Guide

The aims of the Teachers' guide are to:

· To identify some factors that may influence a person’s career path and see that there are a variety of means to achieve qualifications.

· To gain an understanding of how ICT and Digital Technologies are used in cyber security now and likely trends for future use.

· To undertake a self assessment of some features that relate to working in cyber security to help identify possible level of interest and ability in using these in future careers.

Click here to download the teachers guide

Teacher Lesson Plan

This sheet outlines ways to tackle this module it contains ideas for discussion/outline of broad options for working in cyber security and the varying focus on ICT and Digital Technologies in different roles in the industry.

Click here to download the teacher lesson plan

Student Worksheet

The student worksheet invites students to delve deeper into a career in Cyber Security

Click here to download the student worksheet

Industry Growth and Prospects

According to Job Outlook the prospect for growth Australia wide in Primary and Secondary teaching is moderate with projections of around 6% growth over the next 4 - 5 years. School Principal positions on the other hand are predicted to grow strongly with an expansion of 13% over the same period.

The Victorian Department of Education in data published in the Victorian Teacher Supply and Demand Report 2018 predicts that supply will exceed demand by 2024. However, in Victorian Government Teach the Future website advertise the fact that they are looking for 4000 teachers in the near future.

The chart below shows the shortage of teachers currently in Victoria (2021). The link below will take you to a report authored by the Education Department of Victoria published in November 2021 outlining in detail the shortage. Note that Digital technology has the second highest shortage across the state.

Further Resources

The Victorian government has some great information on how to become a teacher

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