Module 2

Careers in Robotics

Goals of this module

  • Understanding some of the different career opportunities in robotics .

  • Find out about some of the opportunities under the robotics 'umbrella'.

  • What might students need to study to become involved in the Robotics Industry?

  • Discover examples of classroom activities and discussion topics that broadens understanding of a career in Robotics

  • Discover relevant resources students can access to expand knowledge of career options in this industry.

  • What might robotics look like into the future with the impact of technological advancement?

Interview with Nicci Rosnouw CEO EXAPTEC

Nicci Rosnouw Robotics v2.mp4

Links relevant to the video:

Classroom Activities

Task 1 Further Research

Sue Keay runs Data61’s cyber-physical robotics lab at CSIRO. The website has an excellent worksheet students can follow that (bio)mimics the work her team go through in the design phase. It also has video showcasing her work in the Robotics/AI field. Students could download the sheet and follow the instructions.

Another excellent source of career information can be found at The STEM Hub. They produce a range of student magazines and other resources and valuable teacher resources. The magazines feature interviews with young people working in various Technology related careers. In particular the link to the emagazine below will introduce students to a range of occupations that employ a range of coding skills in everyday work.

Task 2: Have a go

Try out Google Teachable Machine using your own webcam, microphone or photos. The homepage linked below contains tutorial videos if you are having trouble getting started.

Google Teachable Machine is an online tool for training and observing a machine learning AI system. You can train it to recognise objects in images, poses and sounds.

(For more advanced users, the trained model can even be put to use to make decisions within conventional code. See this lesson at Digital Technologies Hub.)


Student privacy should be considered when using this tool with your class. Rather than photos of student faces, consider using hand gestures, semaphore, toys or emojis.

Task 3 - Close Video Analysis

Nicci Rosnouw CEO and an an entrepreneur at Expatec, a robotics company specialising in social, service and telepresence robots.

00:26 - 00:39 At the beginning of the interview Nicci discusses her business' specialisation in 'tel-presence, social and educational robots'. Students may like to explore these robots and their functions as well as others such as can be found in the fields of medicine, retail, warehousing (such as Amazon), research, defence and others.

1:30 - 3:36 Nicci outlines that robots can be very successful when used for wellness. How would students see the advantages of robots in assisting those in our community who are unwell. this website looks at ways in which Robots and Artificial Intelligence are being used across the various fields of medicine.

3:55 - 4:36 Before viewing this part of the video students could list the subjects they believe should be undertaken to pursue a career in Robotics

How are their lists different to those completed by Nicci?

4:54 - 6:43 Nicci finds it difficult to describe a typical day in her job. She has a variety of tasks to attend to however she says that time management is important and she is disciplined in her use of time.

6:43 Some advice for young entrepreneurs is given and Nicci recommends two places aspiring entrepreneur could turn, launch vic and startup vic

7:32 -9:24 The importance soft skills very important according to Nicci. What do students understand by the term 'Soft Skills' and do they believe they are important? After some research, students can make a list and rate their current competency level (high, medium, low) next to the skills. This webpage at Deakin University might prove helpful. It is important to stress that as for intellectual growth, student competency in soft skills will grow as they mature and broaden in their own experiences.

9:24 - 10:30 Nicci discusses emerging opportunities in robotics, it is flourishing industry and the shortage of tech workers has made it (and many other technology industries) financially rewarding.

10:30 - 11:12 The use of artificial intelligence to drive many areas of robotics can lead to bias and in some cases ethical issues arise. Nicci touches on this areA and it could be a worthwhile discussion at this point to consider what biases might be present in artificial intelligence. Do students have examples?

Deeper Research

Courses in artificial intelligence are plentiful. The Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC) is an excellent place to begin searching for study beyond year 12. Hint students can also search for mechatronics.

The Careers with Stem Hub has some very good information also

Downloadable Guides and Activities

Teachers' Guide

The aims of the Teachers' guide are to:

· To identify some factors that may influence a person’s career path and see that there are a variety of means to achieve qualifications.

· To gain an understanding of how ICT and Digital Technologies are used in cyber security now and likely trends for future use.

· To undertake a self assessment of some features that relate to working in cyber security to help identify possible level of interest and ability in using these in future careers.

Click here to download the teachers guide

Teacher Lesson Plan

This sheet outlines ways to tackle this module it contains ideas for discussion/outline of broad options for working in cyber security and the varying focus on ICT and Digital Technologies in different roles in the industry.

Click here to download the teacher lesson plan

Student Worksheet

The student worksheet invites students to delve deeper into a career in Cyber Security

Click here to download the student worksheet

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