Further Resources and Credits

Technology Specific Resources

The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA)


The VCAA has a series of lesson plans linked to a particular learning area or capability in the Victorian Curriculum F–10 that can be easily adapted to incorporate career education, enriching students’ career-related learning and skill development. For example at level 9 and 10 Digital Technologies Analyse simple compression of data and how content data are separated from presentation (VCDTDI046) Leads to a discussion of web development and design as a career option for young people.

CSIRO Digital Careers


The current global shortage of ICT professionals means there is an enormous opportunity for students considering an exciting career. CSIRO Digital Careers prepares students with the knowledge and skills they need to thrive in the workforce of tomorrow.

Careers with STEM Hub


'The Careers with STEM hub is a student-focussed website that includes surprising STEM careers pathways, insights into the future of work, 100s of diverse STEM role models, teacher and students events, a back catalogue of Careers with STEM magazines, student career quizzes, videos interviews and much more.' The Teachers Hub pages from the site provides plenty of guides, ideas and downloadable classroom activities.

Links specific to Video Interviews

Emily Pendlebury

Emily discussed a couple of sites students could look at Hackthebox.eu and Tryhackme.com

CRIRO Digital Careers


The current global shortage of ICT professionals means there is an enormous opportunity for students considering an exciting career. CSIRO Digital Careers prepares students with the knowledge and skills they need to thrive in the workforce of tomorrow.

General Careers Resources

The links to websites listed below are of a general nature regrading careers however they can all be searched and have information on careers in Digital Technologies

Australian Jobs Report 2021


An overview of trends in the Australian labour market to support job seekers and employment service providers, career advisers, those considering future training and people interested in labour market issues.

Business Victoria Future Industries


Future Industries is about supporting investment in high-growth industries through industry excellence and development projects, including establishing collaborative networks and building supply chain readiness capabilities.

Career Education


Career Education teaching resources to help teach students to make informed career decisions and equip themselves for the world of work.

CEAV Online Learning Resources


Designed to enable students to attend a virtual Industry Immersion Experience, these online resources will help students discover more about Victoria's priority growth industries and give them the opportunity to reflect on their skills, interests and undertake career planning and exploration.

Jobs Victoria




Relevant and current labour market trends and career information.



A database of over 600 careers.

National Careers Institute


The National Careers Institute (NCI) ensures Australians have access to reliable and accurate careers information, resources, and support.

Insights:My Future
