Individual and Small-Group Counseling

Short-term counseling is provided to individuals or small groups of students experiencing difficulties in handling personal, relationship, adjustment, transition, and developmental issues or concerns. In counseling, students work with the school counselors to identify problems, learn appropriate strategies for coping, and plan actions to address concerns.  

Counseling by groups or individually enables the students to discover their strengths and limitations, explore options and solutions to address emerging concerns, and to cope with critical life transitions or adjustments.

Focused on promoting academic, personal/social, and career development. Students needing long-term therapy will be referred to appropriate community partners or resources.

Crisis Counseling and Intervention

Temporary and short-term interventions to provide mental health support to students experiencing crisis or emergency situations. Delivered by counselors trained in Crisis Prevention and Intervention or Psychological First Aid.

Guidance Classes

Classroom-based learning experiences aimed at developing student competencies related to the key areas of student development of the school counseling program and aligned with the academic curriculum of the school.

Designed annually and delivered by school counselors following a regular assigned schedule.

Guidance Orientation

Activities aimed to provide information regarding School Counseling Office activities, programs and policies. This includes the following:

      ▪ SCO Orientation/Batch profiling for teachers

       SCO Orientation for students 

School-Wide Seminars 

Seminars that are organized to share information or facilitate training about specific topics aligned with the content standards of the school counseling program. Designed to be delivered for a larger audience or across multi-grade levels.

Needs-based Group Activities/Preventive Programs

Group training or learning activities are organized, within or outside the classroom, to respond to emerging student needs or for specific student groups:


      Academic probation

      Disciplinary probation


      Student leaders 

      Low performers

      Foreign students (Special Filipino)

Student Appraisal 

School counselors collect psychological and educational assessment data to help students analyze and assess their abilities, interests, skills, achievement, and performance.

School counselors provides interpretation, evaluation, and feedback based on assessment results to guide students in developing their academic, social-emotional, and career goals.

Standardized paper and pencil or performance tests are administered to students by the Institutional Performance and Assessment Office (IPA). 

School counselors help in the dissemination and interpretation of the test results, and  assist in the administration of level tests and national examinations.

School counselors assess students’ profiles, inventory, guidance records, and academic performance records when writing certifications and recommendations for varied purposes.

Student Advising 

School counselors assist students in analyzing and evaluating student's abilities, skills and achievement. This enables students to make decisions about the future and encourages them to further improve themselves.