
How you can implement Global Ed in your classroom

Educators make a difference

The Navoday School in Parthadi, Maharastra, India had been formed by concerned citizens of the area. They saw a need to support students with significant learning challenges and created a residential school. The school had been in existence for seven years and only recently was given recognition by the Indian government. They hoped that this might ensure that their teachers were paid.

How you can implement Global Ed in your classroom

Connecting Around the World

There is nothing better to ignite student interest than to be a part of the experience.

Empatico Connect with classrooms around the world. Empatico has simple ways that you can work with other schools around the world and show different perspectives.

Peace Corps Speakers Invite a former Peace Corps member to speak to your class. I have done it twice, once live and once via Skype and was impressed with their work, their passion and their willingness to share and work with students.

Skype in the Classroom Bring the world to your classroom through virtual field trips, lessons and collaborations. You need to set up a Microsoft Account, but once you do, there are many opportunities.

Local Organizations to collaborate with

Evanston Ecology Center The Ecology Center has a variety of programs and resources for classroom teachers to work with. In September the Center sponsors Streets Alive and the Green Living Fest which is great opportunity to learn about our world and how we effect the environment. Or take your students to experience the apiary or farmette. There is also canoeing on the canal.

FUSE Project Based Learning STEM/STEAM design challenges created by Northwestern University.

Evanston Public Library & Skokie Public Library The libraries have STEM/STEAM kits to check out or work with one of the librarians to develop programming about global ideals. Teacher checkout is also available.

Organizations to know

Asia Society The core work around global education has been done by the Asia Society. There is a free downable book on this site, rubrics, learning outcomes and theory about global education. This is a must use, must see resource.

Participate Originally an organization that brought educators from overseas to the United States to teach foreign languages, Participate now provides online professional development. They have a paid program, but they also have many resources even if you are not a Participate school. Check out their Collections, a crowd sourced groups of resources.

Rotary Interact Rotary International has their International headquarters in Evanston. This is a club based activity for 12-18 year olds to learn about the world and be engaged in activities with leadership potential and to engage with students around the world.

World Savvy works with teachers, students and administrators to build global citizens.


University of Illinois Champaign Online Degree in Global Education As part of the Educational Policy department it looks at global changes and education and the need for shifts in educational pedagogy.

Trans Atlantic Educators Dialogue (TED) European Center University of Illinois Be part of a conversation about education around the world, this cohort style group meets once a week for twelve weeks in a virtual classroom.

International Education Conference at the University of Chicago A day long conference to learn how to internationalize your lessons. The conference is tailored for local educators.

Global Education Conference A virtual conference in November that has hundreds of speakers from around the world.

An Indian school for the mentally challenged funded by concerned citizens

They were very proud of the new TV monitor to show stories and other eLearning to students.

And in an older form of technology, the pictures on the walls were used to help students understand and discuss topics