
Lesson Planning Tools, Primary Source Information and other resources in understanding how and why to apply Global Learning concepts in your classroom

Lesson Planning Tools

Based on the United Nations Global Goals or Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), there are many wonderful ideas, visuals, videos and other materials to engage your students in the SDG's.


This is only one of many hashtags you can use on Twitter to learn about Global Learning. What I like about Twitter is that it is teacher friendly, one quick scan of 140 characters, and you know if the lesson is for you or...not.

Inquiry Based Learning database of lessons, ideas and supportive articles on the who, what, and why of IBL (also known as PBL.)

The Pulitzer is an award given for exemplary journalism. This site has lessons based on current events.

Weekly lessons sent to your mailbox with a video clip of a current issue and talking points.

From Project Zero at Harvard University, it has a host of ideas on how to engage students in higher levels of thinking and learning.

Primary source information

There is nothing better to ignite student interest than to be a part of the experience.

Invite a former Peace Corps member to speak to your class. I have done it twice, once live and once via Skype and was impressed with their work, their passion and their willingness to share and work with students.


Rotary International has their International headquarters in Evanston. This is a club based activity for 12-18 year olds to learn about the world and be engaged in activities with leadership potential and to engage with students around the world.

"This blog is not an official U.S. Department of State blog. The views and information presented are the grantee's own and do not represent the Teachers for Global Classrooms Program, IREX, or the U.S. Department of State."