
Assessment, Standards & Digital Learning Tools for Global Education

The Librarian at St. Mary's New Delhi, Mrs. Malhotra

The Library at St. Mary's New Delhi

Students in the library at St. Mary's New Delhi. This was an exemplar school.

Global Education Student Assessment Tools

ASCD Global Competent Learning Continuum

Teachers are able to grade themselves on a rubric and then there are connected resources to help guide their areas of study. The continuum is divided into Teacher Dispositions, Knowledge and Skills.

Global Education Checklist

Developed by the American Forum on Global Education, the document was created in 2003. It is a self assessment of student knowledge; teachers & administrative; and school district.

Oxfam Global Education Guide for K-12 teachers

There are multiple guides on this page. I particularly like the one for educators and the charts that show what is or what is not global education. The guide is backed up with examples of how to incorporate global education in your teaching.

Top 10 Characteristics of a Globally Competent Teacher

Education Week article highlights what would be happening in a global classroom.

"This blog is not an official U.S. Department of State blog. The views and information presented are the grantee's own and do not represent the Teachers for Global Classrooms Program, IREX, or the U.S. Department of State."