Parking/Student IdS


Due to the hybrid learning model and the Covid pandemic, we are currently providing an option for sophomore students to obtain a "temporary" parking tag. This tag will be valid as long as we remain in a hybrid learning model during this school year. This is a one-time opportunity due to the pandemic.

If we return full-time to the high school, the sophomore parking tag will no longer be considered valid and it will need to be returned. The cost to purchase a Parking Tag is $50 cash or check made out to Huntley High School.

The following information will need to be filled out on the link below:

Parking Tag Request Form

Once this form is filled out, you will receive an email from Mrs. Besch about picking up your tag at Door 1

If you have any questions please reach out to Mrs. Besch

Phone number: 847-659-6630



If you have lost your ID and need a replacement, you must PRE-ORDER on the Webstore. Click on High School and select the Student ID tab. The cost of a new ID is $5.

Please email Mrs. Besch at or Mrs. Gustafson at the receipt and these ladies will print a new ID and have it delivered to their classroom.

Temporary IDs will be available in each of the POD offices.