Attendance Procedures

Hybrid Students: Hybrid students are required to be in-person all 5 days. Students that do not attend in-person on their assigned day will be marked absent. A student's absence must be excused by a parent/guardian.

  • Parent(s)/ Guardian(s): when calling a student out of class, please indicate:

      • The student will not be in attendance at all for the class/day

Remote Students: If a student does not show up on Zoom, he/she will be marked absent.

Additional Notes:

Study Halls

  • During all in-person days, students with a study hall will report to their assigned location. The room number/location will be visible in PowerSchool.

  • With parental consent, all students with a study hall are able to leave campus during that time but must remain off-campus for the entire period. Students do NOT need to check in for attendance with the study hall teacher if they are leaving the building.

PowerSchool attendance Codes

These are the most common attendance codes that will be visible for student attendance at various points of the year.

UNV - Student is absent entirely from both in person learning or remote

EXP - Student was excused from class by a parent and that student will not be attending virtually or in person

PH - Student shows up for a part of a class and does not stay or return when required. This code only applies to remote students.

UT - Student is tardy to the class period.

SHA - Student is absent from study hall (students are allowed to leave the building with parent consent so this absence is not counted against the student)

SA - Student is excused from class for a school-approved activity.

MV - Student is medically unable to attend class in person or remotely.

ME - Student is medically unable to attend class in person but can attend virtually.