Lunch Periods


  • Students will be allowed to eat in the cafeteria, central gym, passive commons, or active commons.

  • Students will scan their ID before entering one of the designated locations and will sit at the next available desk.

  • Students will not be allowed to move the desks.

  • Students must remain at their assigned desk for the duration of the lunch period and may only get up to discard trash or use the restroom.

  • Students will be allowed to remove their masks once seated and must immediately put them back on when finished eating.

  • With parental consent, all students will have off-campus privileges during non-academic periods such as study hall and lunch.

    • Those choosing to go off-campus must remain off-campus for the entire period. Students will not be allowed to sit in cars or hang out in the parking lot.

  • All eating spaces will be cleaned between lunch periods.

  • Students will not be allowed to eat in classrooms at any time during the day.

  • All Parents and Guardians must complete the Off-Campus Authorization form. Students who drive will have the ability to leave during their lunch periods. This form must be completed to allow students to leave.


Please note: We have to remain at a 6ft distance. It is imperative to do so when students will have their mask off. Each space is designed to have 50 people and follows the guidelines from the CDC and IDPH.

Students will be able to engage in conversations with those around them but will be limited to movement to other spaces due to contact tracing and an effort to mitagate the spread of the virus.

cafeteria - east

cafeteria - central

cafeteria - west





Check-In Process:

Students requiring a full cafeteria lunch will enter the servery and sit in the cafeteria. The cafeteria is separated into three areas. Upon exiting the servery, students will scan into the area of choice and the supervisor will give each student a designated seat number based on the order in which they arrive.

If a student is bringing their lunch or only needs a la carte item from the cafeteria, they can choose the commons areas or central gym for their lunch location where they will also be scanned in and given an assigned seat based on the order in which they arrive.

Food carts will be available in the commons area to accommodate additional students and reduce traffic in the servery.

Please note: In order to ensure contact tracing, students will not be able to select their seats or who they sit next to unless they enter an area at the same time.