Please check the website of the latest edition of the course at this link.

Old website content.

Exam Dates: see and this link

Procedure for the written exam: 


Further info:



Location for written exam:

Room: G0

Building: Regina Elena Edificio G

Code of Building: RM115

Address: Viale Regina Elena 295. Link to Google Maps


No books, slides, notes, etc. can be used by the student during the exam.


General info

Course overview

General objectives

The course aims at providing basic concepts and methodologies of control theory, operations research and game theory, which constitute an analytical framework for the modeling of cyber-physical systems and of the main types of attacks on cyber-physical systems (for example: "denial of service", " replay attack "," covert attack "," false data injection ") and for the solution of security games and decision problems. The course will summarize a number of such methodologies and show how their application is able to deal with cyber-physical security problems in numerous example use cases.

Specific objectives

Knowledge and understanding:

Apply knowledge and understanding:

Critical and judgment skills:

Communication skills:

Learning ability:



Instructor: Francesco Liberati

About me

I am research fellow in Automatic Control at the Sapienza University of Rome, currently working mainly on cyber-physical systems and control problems in smart grids.

I obtained my PhD in Systems Engineering from Sapienza University, with a dissertation over recent control problems in the area of energy management in smart grids.

From May 2017 to December 2018 I was H2020 energy research project manager at "The Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA)", European Commission, Brussels, where I managed a portfolio of large energy and smart cities H2020 research projects.

Previously, I have carried out applied research in several european funded projects, in which I took project management roles as team leader, work package leader, task leader.

Research interests

Link to website: