Exam Dates: see

  • The special exam session for the academic year 2020-2021 is in October and November 2021. Contact me urgently if you would like to attend this session. This session is reserved for students meeting specific requirements, written below in Italian: "Riservata a studenti part-time, fuori corso, iscritti per l’A.A. 2020-2021 al terzo anno della laurea e al secondo anno della laurea magistrale, studenti genitori, studenti con disabilità e con D.S.A., studenti lavoratori. If you participate in the session, we will agree a date and place for the exam.

  • 9 June - 09:30-13:30, in presence exam (can be done remotely only for valid reasons - see instructions below).

  • 7 July- 09:30-13:30, in presence exam (can be done remotely only for valid reasons - see instructions below).

Procedure for the written exam:

  • According to the decisions of the Senato Accademico, the standard modality for the written exam will be in presence. See the instructions at:


Further info:



Location for written exam:

Room: G0

Building: Regina Elena Edificio G

Code of Building: RM115

Address: Viale Regina Elena 295. Link to Google Maps


No books, slides, notes, etc. can be used by the student during the exam.


Lessons' diary

  • 24/02/2021: Lesson 1. Introduction (presentation 1, up to slide 42);

  • 25/02/2021: Lesson 2. Introduction (presentation 1, up to slide 101);

  • 03/03/2021: Lesson 3. Basics of system theory and automatic control (presentation 2, up to slide 25).

  • 04/03/2021: Lesson 4. Basics of system theory and automatic control: the explicit solution of the state space equations for LTI systems and the natural modes of the system in the simple case (presentation 2, up to slide 56 on the Geometrical Interpretation/Approach).

  • 10/03/2021: Lesson 5. Basics of system theory and automatic control: the natural modes of LTI systems in the general case (presentation 2, up to slide 70 on the Equilibrium State).

  • 11/03/2021: Lesson 6. Basics of system theory and automatic control: equilibria and stability (presentation 2, up to slide 82 on The Lyapunov Stability Criterion).

  • LESSON 7 (17/03/2021). Topic: Basics of system theory and automatic control: Static feedback, state estimation and dynamic output feedback (finished presentation 2);

  • LESSON 8 (18/03/2021). Topic: Basics of system theory and automatic control: modelling and analysis in the Laplace domain (presentation 3);

  • LESSON 9 (24/03/2021). Topic: classification of systems (presentation 4, up to slide 21).

  • LESSON 10 (25/03/2021). Topic: classification of systems (presentation 4, up to slide 56).

  • LESSON 11 (31/03/2021). Topic: classification of systems (finished presentation 4, plus presentation 5, up to slide 14);

  • LESSON 12 (07/04/2021). Topic: Modelling of a Networked CPS (finished presentation 5);

  • LESSON 13 (08/04/2021). Topic: Modelling of Main Cyber-physical Attacks (presentation 6, up to slide 15);

  • LESSON 14 (14/04/2021). Topic: Finished the lesson on Modelling of Main Cyber-physical Attacks and started the lesson on False Data Injection Attacks Against State Estimation in Power Systems (presentation 7 up to slide 16);

  • LESSON 15 (15/04/2021). False Data Injection Attacks Against State Estimation in Power Systems (presentation 7 up to slide 20);

  • LESSON 16 (21/04/2021). Topic: Finished the lesson on Modelling of Main Cyber-physical Attacks and started the lesson on False Data Injection Attacks Against State Estimation in Power Systems (presentation 7 up to slide 23);

  • LESSON 17 (22/04/2021). False Data Injection Attacks Against State Estimation in Power Systems (presentation 7 up to slide 35).

  • LESSON 18 (28/04/2021). Topic: False Data Injection Attacks Against State Estimation in Power Systems (presentation 7 up to slide 49);

  • LESSON 19 (29/04/2021). False Data Injection Attacks Against State Estimation in Power Systems (finished presentation 7 + simulations in Julia).

  • 20 05/05/2021 Topology Attacks, Load Redistribution Attacks, Complex Multi-Level Attacks. Presentation VIII;

  • 21 06/05/2021 Topology Attacks, Load Redistribution Attacks, Complex Multi-Level Attacks & Load Altering Attacks, Presentation VIII and IX

  • 22 12/05/2021 Load altering attacks and switching attacks Presentation IX

  • 23 13/05/2021 Switching attacks Presentation IX

  • 24 19/05/2021 Summary and conclusions paper

  • 25 20/05/2021 Summary and conclusions paper

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Title of newsletter
Title of newsletter
Title of newsletter
Title of newsletter
Title of newsletter