EXAMS: There are 2 possibilities for the exam. The student can decide:

  1. Written exam + oral exam;

  2. Project + oral exam.

Written Exam Dates: see https://cybersecurity.uniroma1.it/exams and this link

  • 12/01/2022. 9:30-12:00 Written Exam Aula G50 RM115;

  • 15/02/2022. 9:30-12:00 Written Exam Aula G50 RM115.

  • 09/09/2021 - time: 15.00-18.00. Written exam. aula G50 - Regina Elena Edificio G - RM115 Viale Regina Elena 295. In presence exam (can be done remotely only for valid reasons - see instructions below).

  • 7 July- 09:30-13:30, in presence exam (can be done remotely only for valid reasons - see instructions below).

  • 9 June - 09:30-13:30, in presence exam (can be done remotely only for valid reasons - see instructions below).

Location for written exam: Room: G0 Building: Regina Elena Edificio G Code of Building: RM115 Address: Viale Regina Elena 295. Link to Google Maps. Note: https://www.uniroma1.it/it/pagina/mappa-della-citta-universitaria

WRITTEN EXAM: Exam with excercises and open questions. You are NOT allowed to use papers, books, slides and so on during the exam. The oral exam after the written exam is not mandatory. It is held only if requested by the student. All topics discussed during the course can be subject of oral exam. Mark can go up or down as well.

Procedure for the written exam:

  • According to the decisions of the Senato Accademico, the standard modality for the written exam will be in presence. See the instructions at:

- https://corsidilaurea.uniroma1.it/it/corso/2020/29389/news-avvisi

Further info:

- https://www.uniroma1.it/it/notizia/covid-19-fase-3-lezioni-esami-e-lauree-presenza-e-distanza

- https://www.uniroma1.it/sites/default/files/field_file_allegati/10.1_del._100_didattica.pdf

No books, slides, notes, etc. can be used by the student during the exam.


  1. Can be done by the single student, or collaboratively by 2, max 3 students. I suggest working in teams.

  2. I will assign one/few technical papers addressing topics discussed during the course.

  3. The students will have to study the papers, implement the algorithms reported in the papers and replicate the simulations reported in the papers.

  4. The students will produce a written report (preferably in LaTex - see, e.g., https://www.overleaf.com/, or also in Word), and the code to replicate the algorithms and the simulations.

  5. The discussion will be based on the report produced by the students (or on a ppt presentation, as the students prefer).

  6. Before the discussion of the project, the students have to deliver the report and the code via email.

  7. The date of the discussion of the project can be agreed.

  8. I will judge the technical comphrenson of the topic discussed in the paper, personal elaboration of the ideas and concepts studies (i.e., do not simply copy from the papers to the report), the quality of the report and the code, the quality of presentation.

  9. During the discussion, other questions on other topics discussed during the course can be asked.

  10. The project needs to be discussed before the official exam date, for the mark to be registred at that given exam session.

Suggested draft structure of the project report

  • Front page

  • Table of contents, list of acronyms, list of figures, list of tables

  • Abstract

  • Introduction

  • State of the art (i.e., survey of relevant related works from literature)

  • Technical Sections to describe the specific problem (methodologies, problem formulation, etc.)

  • Simulations

  • Conclusion

  • List of references

  • Appendix - as needed (e.g., code)