Research Projects

Ongoing Projects

  • EU-H2020 SESAME (EU project)

  • ESA HyDron (EU project)

  • EU-HE Nancy (EU project)

  • POR FESR FedMedAI (National project)

Selected Projects

EU-H2020 5G-ALLSTAR (WP Leader)

2018-2021, 5G-ALLSTAR (5G AgiLe and fLexible integration of SaTellite And cellulaR), H2020.EUK2018 (Eu-Korea) (RIA), grant agreement no. 815323,

The project is co-funded by Europe and South Korea. The European part, funded by the European Commission under the H2020 Programme is led by CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives, FR), whereas the Korean part is led by ETRI (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute). The project aims to develop a hybrid satellite-terrestrial 5G communications system and to demonstrate its operation by carrying out 5G transmissions between Europe and South Korea.

A. Giuseppi was the Work Package Leader of WP4, which was focused on the development and implementation of management and control algorithms for multi-link communications over heterogeneous networks.

EU-H2020 SESAME (Researcher)

2019-2022, SESAME (Smart European Space Access thru Modern Exploitation of Data Science), H2020-EU. – Enabling European competitiveness, non-dependence and innovation of the European space sector (RIA), grant agreement no. 821875,

The project, funded by the European Commission under the H2020 Programme and led by ArianeGroup SAS (FR), aims to provide the European space launcher industry with a digital, open, intelligent, secure and standards-based platform that allows engineers and operators to develop and manage the operations of the launchers.

A. Giuseppi works on the task dedicated to the design and development of a suite of algorithms for optimizing the processes and assembly lines that constitute a launch campaign.

ESA ARIES (Scientific and technical coordinator of the project)

2020-2021, ARIES (Advanced multi-Rat Integrated multi-sensors solution for Emergency prevention, detection and response operationS), ESA-OPPORTUNITY 5G for L’ ART, grant agreement no. 4000133127/20/NL/AF,

The project, funded by the European Space Agency and led by Telespazio (IT), aims to provide an efficient service for prevention, monitoring and management of emergencies (fires, landslides) via the combined use of satellites, 5G Network, HAPS and next generation of IoT sensor networks and Drones.

A. Giuseppi is the overall scientific and technical coordinator of the project, overseeing all its activities. The group in which A. Giuseppi works specifically on the task focused on defining and developing control algorithms for emergency prevention and management of operations.

POR FESR FedMedAI (Researcher)

2021-2023, FedMedAI (Elaborazione di dati clinici con metodologie di intelligenza artificiale per strutture sanitarie federate nel rispetto del GDPR), POR FESR Lazio 2014 – 2020 (Azione 1.2.1), Prot. n. A0375-2020-36491 del 23/10/2020,

The project, funded by Regione Lazio and led by the Dept. Computer, Automation and Management Eng. of Sapienza, aims to create a platform for distributed learning for the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems for the biomedical sector. The distributed aspect of learning will allow a group (or "federation") of health facilities to collaborate in the creation of an AI without the exchange of clinical data. The methodological innovations in the field of "Federated Learning" will be demonstrated on problems of real biomedical interest, such as the diagnostics of COVID19 starting from chest scans and the localization of tumors/anomalies in images. The developed product will allow the use of pre-existing databases from an AI perspective and compatible with the GDPR regulations.

A. Giuseppi is working on the design of Federated Learning Algorithms and in particular on their decentralization through results from consensus and multi-agent dynamical systems theory.

EU-H2020 ATENA (WP Leader)

2016-2019, ATENA (Advanced Tools to assEss and mitigate the criticality of ICT compoNents and their dependencies over Critical InfrAstructures), H2020-EU.3.7. – Secure Societies, Innovation Action (RI), grant agreement no. 700581,

The project, funded by the European Commission under the H2020 Programme and led by Leonardo S.p.A. (IT), aimed at applying the advanced features of ICT and cyber-security to selected use cases of critical infrastructures, including energy and water distribution networks.

A. Giuseppi served as the Work Package Leader of WP3, which was dedicated to the design of a control system for the safe and secure operation of critical infrastructures, with a special focus on smart power systems, and SCADA systems.

EU-FP7 T-NOVA (Researcher)

2013-2016, T-NOVA (Network Functions as-a-Service over Virtualised Infrastructures), EU FP7-ICT Large-scale Integrating Project (IP), grant agreement no. 619520,

The project, funded by the European Commission under the H2020 Programme and led by Demokritos (Greece), dealt with Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV), which is the problem of the migration of hardware functions to virtualized IT infrastructures, where they are developed as software components. The goal of T-NOVA is to design and implement an automatic management platform for the configuration, monitoring and management of virtualized IT infrastructure resources.

A. Giuseppi worked on the project during his master thesis and the start of his PhD studies. Such activities lead to the publication of three papers on the design of ad-hoc controllers for network resource management in virtualized IT infrastructures.