
Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4

Session 1: FEEL

In the first session, students collaborate in groups to delve into the problem at hand, utilizing industry insights and empathizing with users. The focus revolves around identifying the most pertinent problem to address, unraveling questions such as: What is the right problem to solve? Who is grappling with this issue, and what characterizes their current experience?

To further delineate the scope of the problem, students engage in conducting fieldwork, encompassing interviews and observations. This hands-on approach enables a deeper understanding of the intricacies involved. Additionally, participants may opt for supplementary fieldwork, enhancing the thoroughness of their exploration.

Session 2: IMAGINE

The  second session begins with a definition of user-centered insights, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the users' needs and experiences. 

This involves a shift towards catalytic questions play a pivotal role in stimulating critical thinking and guiding the exploration of innovative solutions.

Subsequently, an "Ideas Sprint" ensues, encouraging students to engage in an accelerated and dynamic brainstorming session. This phase is dedicated to the rapid generation of creative ideas and concepts that have the potential to solve the problem at hand. 

Session 3: DO

In the third session, students transition into the prototyping phase, where they bring their ideas to life in a tangible form. This involves creating a prototype that encapsulates the envisioned solution to the identified problem. 

Following the prototyping stage, students move on to the testing phase. This involves exposing the prototype to real-world conditions, often in the field, to gather valuable feedback from potential users.

After collecting feedback, the next step is the iteration of the prototype. This iterative process ensures that the final solution is well-adapted to meet user needs and expectations.

Session 4: Share

In the concluding session, students embark on the critical phase of preparing the narrative for significant change and develop an implementation plan for their big idea.

The process begins with a strategic exploration of  "How do we bring our big idea to life?" and outline a comprehensive plan that considers timelines, milestones, and necessary actions. The discussion then shifts identifying the resources required for the successful implementation of their solution. 

Lastly, students explore the final impact and benefits of their solution. They articulate the transformative effects on the identified problem, the target audience, and the broader community. This narrative serves as a compelling story of change, showcasing not only the success of the implemented solution but also its lasting positive effects, preparing them for the competition.