
Day 4

Saturday 02.07.2022

Each group will count with a basic text about each topic and its presentation will be evaluated according to the following parameters:

    • Group research about the topic: Please do not stick only to the basic text, part of your work is to compare different sources about the topic and bring these approaches to discussion.

    • Presentation of a theoretical background about the topic, followed by one or two practical cases in your city, region, or country: Try to explain their points of contact, differentiation, or contradictions with the theoretical framework.

    • Discussion questions: Prepare between 3 to 5 discussion questions for the plenary

    • Presentation: Prepare a presentation or any other interactive resource which helps us to understand what you are presenting. Try to be creative.

Each presentation should take about 20 minutes followed by a 20 minutes time for questions and discussion. The presentations will take place during the 10th and 11th sessions of the seminar in the morning of Saturday the 2nd of July.

9:00 - 10:30

SESSION 10. Group Workshop. Presentations of Groups 1 and 2.


11:00 - 12:30

SESSION 11. Group Workshop. Presentations of Groups 3 and 4.

12:30 - 14:00

SESSION 12. Discussion and Closure


Prof. Claudia M. Jahnel and Prof. Lidia RodrĂ­guez