
Each group will count with a basic text about each topic and its presentation will be evaluated according to the following parameters:

    • Group research about the topic: Please do not stick only to the basic text, part of your work is to compare different sources about the topic and bring these approaches to discussion.

    • Presentation of a theoretical background about the topic, followed by one or two practical cases in your city, region, or country: Try to explain their points of contact, differentiation, or contradictions with the theoretical framework.

    • Discussion questions: Prepare between 3 to 5 discussion questions for the plenary

    • Presentation: Prepare a presentation or any other interactive resource which helps us to understand what you are presenting. Try to be creative.

Each presentation should take about 20 minutes followed by a 20 minutes time for questions and discussion. The presentations will take place during the 10th and 11th sessions of the seminar in the morning of Saturday the 2nd of July.

Ch19. Urban historic sacred places in transition - Partners for sacred spaces - Hildebrandt, Martin.pdf

GROUP 1. Reading:

Rachel Hildebrandt and Chad Martin, "Urban Historic Sacred Places in Transition: Partners for Sacred Places"

Ch20. Praying with our feet - Interfaith rituals of disruption and sanctification in the public square - Nooman.pdf

GROUP 2. Reading:

Linda Noonan, "Praying with our Feet: Interfaith Rituals of Disruption and Sanctification in the Public Square"

Ch21. Community organizing and congregational agency in shaping city life - Hammond, Tom.pdf

GROUP 3. Reading:

Trey Hammond and Phil Tom, "Community Organizing and Congregational Agency in Shaping City Life"

Ch27. Super-diversity inside and outside of congregations - Cimino, Tokke.pdf

GROUP 4. Reading:

Richard Cimino and Hans Tokke, "Super-Diversity Inside and Outside of Congregations in Elmhurst, Queens"