
Day 3

Friday 01.07.2022

14:00 - 15:30

SESSION 7. Lived Religion and Its Movements and Dynamics in the Ruhrgebiet (Germany)

Prof. Traugott Jähnichen and Dr. Maximilian Schell

Reading for Session 7

Session 7 - From basement prayer rooms to a public presence in the cityscapy - Maximilian Schell.pdf


16:00 - 17:30

SESSION 8. Megachurches in Singapore: Negotiating the Boundaries of Religious, Public, and Commercial Spheres

Dr. Katja Rakow

Reading for Session 8

Session 8 - Christmas on Orchad Road in Singapore - Celebrating the Gift of Jesus Christ between Gucci and TIffany - Katja Rakow.pdf

17:30 - 19:00

SESSION 9. Islam: Lived Religion in the Ruhrgebiet

Ariya Avanloo

Reading for Session 9

Session 9 - Resilience, Counter Resilience and Change - The encounter between cultural hegemony and Islam in Europe - Marwa Mamdouh-Salem.pdf