
Day 1

Friday 10.06.2022

14:00 - 15:30

SESSION 1. Presentation of the Seminar: How to Understand “Lived Religion”?

Prof. Claudia M. Jahnel

Reading for Session 1

Session 1 - Studying Religion and Cities - Emergent meanings and methodologies - Katie Day.pdf


16:00 - 17:30

SESSION 2. Lived Religion of Latin American Christians Living in the Basque Country (Spain)

Prof. Lidia Rodríguez Fernández

Reading for Session 2

Session 2 - Institutional Religion and Religious Experience - Rodríguez, Uriarte.pdf

17:30 - 19:00

SESSION 3. Pentecostal Corporeality in Latin American Metropolis: Experiences and Theoretic-Methodological Approaches

Prof. Abiud Fonseca

Reading for Session 3

Session 3 - Pentecostalism, the Body, and Embodiment - Michael Wilkinson.pdf