10-11.06.2022 and 1-2.07.2022

Lived Religion in Plural Cities

Online Blockseminar

Link: https://ruhr-uni-bochum.zoom.us/j/62198281069?pwd=S21vaW1wRStEdkU4TVUzbzhKSkkzdz09

Meeting ID: 621 9828 1069

Passcode: 965565

UNIC Cooperation

Faculty of Theology of Ruhr Universität-Bochum and Faculty of Theology Universidad de Deusto

The seminar challenges the notion of post-modern cities as secular or post-religious spaces and points to an academic study of the diverse intricacies between religion (in its multiple forms and conceptions) and current urban settlements. From the analysis of common concepts as diversity, migration, religious identity, or spirituality, it intertwines urban, religious, and migration theories. Furthermore, it examines cities as places of religious pluralization and co-existence of identities at the time of hosting secular and religious institutions which shape daily social dynamics.

From a global perspective, the seminar studies the migratory religious landscape of the Ruhr region in West Germany and the Basque Country in Spain. It also analyzes the social and religious dynamics among Christian and Muslim groups in urban Tanzania, the corporeal Pentecostal experiences in Latin America and the current theoretic-methodological approaches for their study, international Pentecostal networks in Singapore and other mega-cities the oppression of African traditional religiosities in Brazil, urban religiosity in Japan in relation to spirituality, healing and Neo-Shamanism, and the marginalization-empowerment dynamics of Pentecostal Dalit women communities in India, among other similar examples.