Desoto Isd

Instructional options

Two Instructional Options

for Fall 2020

Last spring, the coronavirus global health pandemic, sent the world into crisis response mode. Seeking to create a sense of normalcy through education, DeSoto ISD developed and implemented Anytime, Anywhere Learning.

As we approach the start of the 2020-2021 school year, DeSoto ISD will utilize the Anytime, Anywhere Learning system to guide education for our students this fall through two options designed to provide choice and support for our families and their scholar.

Home-supervised Learning

Through this option:

  • Students will learn remotely from home utilizing the Anytime, Anywhere Learning system.

  • Students will participate in online, teacher-guided instruction to support learning and progress.

  • Students will have access to small- and whole-group virtual instruction led by a district educator with opportunities for check-ins, progress monitoring and support.

  • Students will have access to healthy and nutritious meals through the current district meal distribution sites at which students can obtain daily meals via grab and go distribution.


Through this option:

  • DeSoto ISD will provide computer lab access supervised by district educators.

  • Students will learn utilizing the Anytime, Anywhere Learning system.

  • Students will participate in online, teacher-guided instruction to support learning and progress.

  • Students will have access to small- and whole-group virtual instruction led by a district educator with opportunities for check-ins, progress monitoring and support.

  • Students will have access to breakfast and lunch.

  • Transportation to and from campus will NOT be provided.

Are parents locked into a choice for the entire school year?

Upon selecting a learning option, families are committed to that choice for the duration of the six weeks grading period.

However, families seeking to transition from campus-supervised learning to home-supervised learning may do so at any time; those seeking to shift from home-supervised learning to campus-supervised learning may do so at the conclusion of the six weeks period.

The district will provide more information as well as information regarding how to request revised placement in the coming weeks.