Shannel Ramos

Staff Writer

      In her first year at Palm Desert High School, Shannel Ramos is a part of the journalism class, in which she can express her love for literature, worldwide news, impactful events, and culture in various genres of articles. Shannel is an Honors student and a part of the professional dance program where she enjoys indulging in choreography and exercises with her fellow dancers. Outside of academic activities you can find Shannel involving herself with all kinds of sports, practicing songs with her cousin on guitar, going vinyl hunting with friends, taking crazy risks with her dad, ranting about the plot in her new book of the week, or even rewatching and obsessing over old rom-coms. The path Shannel dreams to take after highschool is to go to college and study psychology and criminology to one day become a criminologist. It has been a huge dream of hers ever since she was eight years old cuddled on the couch watching Forensic Files with her mom. She also seeks to travel the world and learn about various cultures firsthand and see just how big her little bubble she's always hidden in, can get.