
Who are AVID students?

The data below is for AVID high school seniors in 2017-2018 academic school year both nationally and at Shadow. See a snapshot of how AVID students perform.

Identify as a race or ethnicity historically underrepresented in higher education:

Taking AP (Advanced Placement) or Dual Enrollment courses in preparation for college:

Completing A-G eligibility requirements:

Completing College Pre-Tests (PSAT/SBAC/SAT/ACT):

Submitted FAFSA or other Financial Aid form:

Go to college:

The data below is for AVID high school seniors nationally and ALL US Seniors nationally. See a snapshot of how AVID students perform nationally after high school. Data collected through National Clearing House and collated by

Students who enrolled in college and showed up:

AVID Nationally: 73%

ALL Nationally: 61%

Students who continued into a second year of college:

AVID Nationally: 85%

ALL Nationally: 78%

Students who continued and graduated from college:

AVID Nationally: 60%

ALL Nationally: 54%