Room for Growth


Regular goal setting within classrooms should be implemented.

--Goal setting is used yearly for every student with the counseling department to make sure that students are on track progressing through their four year plan to graduate from high school. However, this is an annual isolated incident rather than a mindset. (1.1.11)

A - G Conferences

--Students are made aware of the A-G requirements. A-G has become more of a schoolwide focus this year. However, this needs to become a regular, more standardized process. (1.1.11)

Organization Systems & Reflection

--Students need to have a systematic way to not only record their assignments but also the development of their learning. Writing to learn and the reflection process needs to become a explicit, systematic, weekly activity. (1.1.12)

Directed ICT

--Use of ICT is not standardized nor widely used. While there are lots of technology resources available, using technology for higher level thinking skills is not widespread. (1.1.6, 1.1.7)


College-Aged Tutor Recruitment and Cross-Aged Tutor Advanced Training

--While our college aged tutor is fully certified in advanced tutor strategies, it was very difficult to train our cross aged tutors in advanced tutor strategies. (2.1.10, 2.1.11)

--Scheduling did not allow for the coordinator to meet with cross aged tutors on a regular basis.

Application and Admissions Compliance

--Our counseling department is supportive to the AVID program. However, maintaining the application and recruitment process as a followed practice has been difficult. Throughout the year, the AVID elective was used as an elective for students who needed to fill an open spot in their schedule. This occurred at least a dozen times without an application, interview, or even a notification. In the future, we as a school site must maintain the recruitment and selection process as a strict procedure. (2.1.1, 2.1.3)

AVID Site Team Meeting Regularity

--AVID site team meetings have been difficult to standardize, due to the very tight schedules of members. The coordinator will ask the principal for explicit planning time for the site team to help with regular collaboration and data analysis. (2.1.6, 2.1.7, 2.1.8)


Site Leadership Team Membership

--The coordinator needs to become a part of the SLT. (3.3.3, 3.3.4)

Increasing of College Going Culture

--While there is a college going culture developed at the school, there are a myriad of other paths that students are offered. This provides many students with the path to careers that can be very rewarding. However, it also detracts from the understanding of the importance of college.

--There is no cohesive unified schoolwide plan for getting kids to college. This needs to be developed, written down and presented to the students and staff.


--Fundraising is difficult for additional supplies (rewards, t-shirts, etc.). A solution to this difficulty needs to be developed. (3.3.7)


Meeting Time

--The site team needs explicitly provided time that allows all members to attend meetings. It is very difficult to have regular meeting times if it is not allotted within the meeting times already established. (4.1.2)

Community Action

--Students need to increase joint community involvement and community service projects. As the program is growing, this will continue to develop. (4.1.3)

Planning for College

--The site team needs to develop explicit plans for assisting students on individual paths to college. This is created by the counseling department, but it does not exist for the AVID team. We should implement a plan for the start of the 2018-2019 school year. (4.1.5)