What kinds of things interest you?

What do you want to be when you grow up?

What type of education do you need?

How do you get there?

Where should you go to college?

What do you want to study in college?

These questions come up as you get older and begin to explore colleges and careers. College and career exploration is a process of learning about yourself and the world of work, learning about potential careers, setting goals, and planning for your future.

DSUSD has partnered with California Colleges' Guidance Initiative (CCGI), an online platform that helps students explore college and careers in middle and high school.

Below you will find our district's focus on college and career exploration by grade level. You will also find instructions on how to create a CCGI account, log in, and how to explore the recommended activities for your grade level.

Step 1:

Activate your CCGI Account

CCGI- Account Activation

Step 2:

Log In using goOGLE

Step 3: Explore

Start Careers List

Start Major List

Setting SMART Goals

Start College List