Teacher Feedback

Technology Survey

April 1 PD Survey

If you could describe today's PD session in one word, what word would you choose?













Very helpful for new learning. I have taken two strategies I can take and use in my google classroom tomorrow!
































The facilitators were very informed about the material being presented.


well done







Great, I was the host so it gets overwhelming when something you have done before doesn't work. But we actually tried the best we could.



































To further support distance learning, what other sessions would suggest/recommend. or want to learn more about?

A session about grading and expectations for curriculum

expectations on recorded lessons, especially in the special education classroom where everything is individualized

grouping zooms by grade level or buildings- some exemplars didn't apply to the high school

I would like to get to see some of the other sections. I'm sure there is plenty of great ways to use each of them.

Recordings feature on Zoom & Loom

Legal issues; Helping those without access to technology in the same way and being fair to them


Other interactive and engaging teaching tools besides video options. Maybe how to create online math games for students or online reading resources.

FERPA/student privacy and copyright laws with distance learning

using google forms

novice, intermediate, and expert training

More information on google classroom

More PD time to learn. This was a good first step, but will take awhile to learn, implement effectively, and master. "Next level" isn't needed, more time on the beginning level is appropriate.

I wanted to also learn about loom and screencastify

advanced features for those gaining familiarity with programs shown today

Google hangout

How to weed through the myriad of on-line learning options to select what is best for my classroom (e.g. zoom v. loom v. google meet ... edpuzzle, screencastify, videoshop/wevideo, youtube ...).

What else does Google Classroom offers.

Video editing.

No recommendations at this time.

I need to choose one format and learn that. I haven’t decided which one will be easiest for me to use.

I would like to revisit the same topics to learn more.

more of the same

I would like to be able to do all.

More of the same

Alternative ways of completing and posting assignments, particularly for special needs students.

google forms also a lot of PDF converting questions.

I was a facilitator so I didn't get to participate in other sessions.

More specified topics in Google Classroom

If I had the time or was able to pick 3, I would have liked to also learn about Google Meet.


Document camera, if all the teachers can get them it would be great. The presenters said they are great!

Google Forms

We only had the option of two, I would eventually like to have more PD so that I can learn the other options as well.

I would like the opportunity to view the other options for PD.

How paras can help on classroom google..

More of the same programming

A chance to set up my own meeting.

google call, more lessons

more of the same

Too many teachers using too many different formats may get confusing?

How can we offer guidance and support and answer questions about this historic time?

Grading and responding on Google Classroom

Any video learning

I would like to lean more about Google Hangout

Which session would like to see next level learning on in the future? (Choose one)

Google Classroom





Google Hangout/Google Meet



Google Hangout/Google Meet

Google Classroom




Google Hangout/Google Meet

Google Classroom



Google Hangout/Google Meet

Google Hangout/Google Meet

Google Hangout/Google Meet

Google Hangout/Google Meet

Google Classroom


Google Classroom

Google Classroom

Google Classroom

Google Classroom



Google Classroom

Google Hangout/Google Meet

Google Hangout/Google Meet




Google Hangout/Google Meet


Google Classroom


Google Hangout/Google Meet


Google Classroom


Google Hangout/Google Meet

Google Classroom

Google Classroom

Google Classroom

Google Classroom


Google Classroom




Google Hangout/Google Meet

Google Classroom



Google Hangout/Google Meet

Google Hangout/Google Meet



Google Hangout/Google Meet

Google Classroom

Google Classroom

Google Hangout/Google Meet

Google Classroom

Google Classroom

Google Classroom





Google Classroom

Google Classroom

Google Hangout/Google Meet




Google Classroom


Google Classroom



Google Classroom












Google Classroom


Google Classroom


Google Classroom


Google Hangout/Google Meet


Google Hangout/Google Meet

Google Hangout/Google Meet

Google Classroom

Google Hangout/Google Meet




Google Hangout/Google Meet


What else would you like to share with the PDEC committee? Please include your feedback here.

What a wonderful PD

Thanks for putting this together to better reach out kids through distance learning.

This was very helpful at a time where I needed some new learning strategies! Thank you so much

Thank you for organizing this PD! I thought it was great!

EdPuzzle's moderators and VoiceThread's(Stacy) did an amazing job. This was the most useful PD so far this year because they did a great job and it was tools we asked for.

It was really helpful to have presenters who knew a lot about that platform.

The video examples that are posted in the PD doc are very helpful

Thank you presenters for answering our questions.

The presenters did an awesome job! Thank you

Please investigate and purchase license agreements for those platforms that we will need to use, i.e. wevideo

great job with this! It was very helpful

Jackie Nathman’s EdPuzzle presentation was great! Really helpful

Maybe separate sessions for those less comfortable/confident with tech and for those moving at faster pace so sessions can be catered towards varying needs of support

This PD experience has helped me to feel a little bit less overwhelmed. It was encouraging to see that my colleagues are still learning how to work with tools too. I feel less inept at distance learning. :)

I look forward to seeing the recordings of the sessions I wasn't able to attend!

This online learning could be a great format for allowing specific unified arts courses to meet with their peers to share tools and resources they're using that are unique to their subject. For example, the four of us music teachers could get on a zoom or google meets session and share with one another the different on-line music resources we have found and are using and how effective we are finding them. The second session could be an opportunity for us to share with one another how to work with one of those resources.

Thank you for your efforts and support!

Great Work, learned a lot today. Thanks

It was very informative, plenty of on-line resources provided, and the staff did a wonderful job explaining and showing examples; but I think some of us need time to practice and become more comfortable before feeling pressured to implement.

I appreciate all the teachers who took the time to run the workshops. Great job.

Nothing at this time.

make the sessions shorter so you can visit more than two in one PD session

It went very well. All presenters did an excellent job of explaining everything slowly.

Please do not require staff that do not benefit from these PD's to complete them.

A lot of questions were about PDF. so maybe a PD about it.

Everyone who led the sessions did a great job! Thank you so much, your help is appreciated!

Thank you!

Specific to chrome book

Do we have a district license for any of these resources? For example, I was using screencastify to record a video, but the free version has a five minute time limit, and it's like $50 to get a liscense to use it to make longer videos.

Thank you!

We could use a Doc. Camera. When you are used to using manipulative s for the younger grades, it would be helpful.

Nice job today!

The teachers that did Google Classroom and Loom were awesome.....Thanks.......

Great job

After our PD I participated in a ReadWorks.org ZOOM (recorded). I would like to learn more about available resources like Readworks.

Great job getting teams from different schools to present to us~

April Vacation Survey

Distance Learning Support Cycle Survey

One thing the administration can help me with now is...

Don’t force us to do live videos

How to get students more engaged.

Help the families with tech support. Email the families particularly K-2 videos that explain how to access and Google classroom with little kids. We can provide all the content in the world but if our kids and families are not getting any support to learn how to use it then it is all useless.

Just continued support for teachers and families.

Google Suite upgrade for originality reports

Providing support to families on how to use google classroom and the importance of their child logging on everyday to complete the assignments. Many families are struggling with how to turn in assignments, attached work and use email. It is hard for me to help over the phone especially when I don't know what it looks like from the student view.

Thanks for all the support already :)

Allow time for students and staff to gain confidence with the current model, using current/newer technology resources picked up at last week's PD. Thank you!

Student engagement. Many of my students are logging in daily to complete a simple daily Science Starter question, but most are not completing their bigger, more difficult assignments. About 33% of my kids don't even log in to their bigger assignments and about 33% complete the work but then don't respond when I send the work back to them for correction. My repeated emails do not seem to be influencing them to work any harder.

I am just about comfortable with GC, I would like to know the easiest way to record myself to show my students. It would be helpful to have someone walk me through it one on one rather than watching a video. I know my admin would be willing to help me with this.

Providing feedback: Areas of strength and areas for growth/improvement for lessons/planning.

Please just keep cheering me forward. It's just very overwhelming with balancing home life demands. The majority of my time is spent digging through the plethora of on-line resources to find materials appropriate and usable by my students for music class, band, and chorus instruction. So, the idea of creating instructional videos and other more complex materials is too overwhelming for me.

Contacting students that are not engaging like we're doing now at the high school. Also, stop postponing grade level meetings! I think we really need those!

Help get students more accountable for their work they are submitting during this time. I feel students are being lazier due to it being distance learning.

More quality how-to videos on how to do things in GC (and similar platforms) independently...it takes a lot of time to search for videos that are high quality and worthwhile.


Doc camera

Review my Google Classrooms, let me know if I am succeeding at this new distance learning.

reviewing the r ole of the paraprofessionals and finding a way to increase our interactions with students and teachers. I feel I can do more, and realize how much we support students in the face-to-face classroom.

More support with families who are having trouble/not accessing the Google Classroom as much as necessary

Getting students to complete their assignments ... I’ve called, email, etc

Keep giving us the freedom to experiment. Mario has provided feedback on our recorded teaching and Google Classroom pages. I have a co-teacher in my grade level partner and we share all lessons, so that isn't important to me. Both classes on our grade level Bradley are doing 90% of the same assignments.

I wish Google Classroom had one central page where teachers could upload lessons created by teachers across the country. It seems kind of silly that a million of us teaching from GC aren't sharing.

I think the district is doing a great job.

Continuing to be supportive and realistic about what distance learning 1.0 looks like

Giving an example of an online lesson they think has enough content for 1 day.

A program that allows you to make a lesson like Khan Academy lessons.

More of an open dialogue from district <---> teacher, and being present to listen more than just make unilateral admin decisions without letting teachers feel like they are heard. The conversations happening at the elementary schools are very different from those happening at the high school, and I feel that sometimes that isn't being acknowledged. And opening PDEC up to teachers that would like to get involved. I asked a couple of years back, and was told when an opening was available I could join, but have never been offered the opportunity since.

Understand that many of us teachers with young children at home (who may also be distance learning in other school districts with different requirements) require our care and attention. Although we are teaching from home, we do not have access to child care. Please do not expect our acquisition of new tech skills to occur quickly. Please understand that our enthusiasm for creating personal videos or live teaching will not match those of teachers with no children or adult children in the home. In my case, I am the only parent of two school age children in my household. As you know, there are many teachers with toddlers and limited help. Please do not expect "too much too soon."

Which school are you from? (if you work in multiple locations, please choose all that apply)

What did you spend your "Flex Time" learning about today?

If you chose "Other" for the question above, please describe what you were learning about today.

Did you visit one of the drop in Zoom Room "Help Centers"?

Whether you used them or not, on a scale of 1-5, how helpful was it to have a drop in Zoom Room "Help Center" available?

On a scale of 1-5, how helpful was it to have previously recorded PD sessions available to watch?

The format of today's self-directed/supported PD was good for my learning.

On a scale of 1-5, how prepared are you to use some of the tools you learned or worked with today?

What would be most helpful for you to do or learn about during upcoming Flex Day Friday PD/collaboration time?

To further support distance learning, what other topics would you suggest/recommend or want to learn more about?

Collaboration time with staff to discuss student’s needs.


Making interactive google slides

access to more online resources

More resources focusing on non-video based learning; exploration into voice-only options, as many students and parents do not feel comfortable using video-based learning

Screen recording on a chromebook, I found WeVideo does one too, but I have yet to try it. Also google meet. It works better for me on a chromebook than zoom does, but I could use help learning some features I might not know about yet.

Apps I can add to Clever that are engaging and my students will want to access.

classroom management

Tools for accessing students. I use Spelling City for spelling check ins and I bought some google forms for math assessments. Other people might need help trying to find and use assessments, especially in lower elementary.

Some new applications to keep the students interested.

I'm still struggling to get feedback from students to learn from them. When they complain that "this is hard and so confusing", they don't know how/why or can't put it into words. Are there any teachers who are feeling super successful with kids loving their work? If so, what are they doing exactly?

Creating an interdisciplinary unit with remote learning and obtaining information about getting a nonfiction text to utilize for this unit.


I thought the PBS resource was phenomenal! I would like to learn more about online resources like this, there were a variety of topics and very useful resources I will use in my class.

Giving meaningful feedback to students

I am not ready to learn anything new yet as I am still digesting and working on what we have currently.

guidelines on how to realistically align student work with IEPs

I would like collaboration time with my grade level team to review data and to report on IEP goals/objectives.

Exploring ways to modify assignments using digital learning platforms such as EdPuzzle, PBS, Google Classroom etc.

I would love to have known collaboration time with grade/content level teams was an option. I think time to discuss how to re-engage disengaged students would also be productive.

Flip grid training


on-line interactive white board via Google Classroom/Google Meets

Making google slides on my own quickly instead of relying on TPT.

I think we have enough to chew on for now! :)

We would like to know how your teaching and learning has changed since the start of distance learning. Please use this sentence starter to describe your teaching: "With distance learning, I used to think I could only........ now I know I can ......" (Example: I used to think I could only assign lessons in Google Classroom, now I know I can use Google Meet to conference with students.")

With distance-learning I used to think I could only schedule lessons in google classroom now I can use Google to meet small groups or teach one to one with my students

I am now more accessible to students via Google voice app and utilize screencastify to record lessons. I also use commonlit.org now which is great for different lexile levels of my students. I also enjoy now that you can incorporate an enabled readers which has helped students with IEPS.

I used to think I could only deliver HQI in person, but the Google Suite has opened up so many more options.

I use to record and upload videos to the google drive but now i feel confident to live stream a google meet.

With distance learning, I used to think I could only assign lessons through google now I know I can meet with my students and deliver lessons through google meet.

WIth distant learning, I use to think I could only use zoom, now I know I can use google meets, google voice and loom to interact with students more effectively.

I am presenting lesson in a variety of formats now.

I wasn’t always comfortable using google classroom to the extent I am using it now but now feel comfortable using google classroom to post work and communicate with families.

With distance learning I have become much more confident in using different online resources and tools for my students that are both engaging and educational.

I used to think I could only assign lessons now I know I can add my own videos and work with students as they are doing assignments.

With distance learning, I used to think I could only post assignments in google classroom, now I know I can create lessons ahead of time for students to view at their own pace.

I used to think I could only assign lessons in google classroom, now I can create and upload zoom videos , and create and post Google Forms.

Before distance learning I wasn't using google classroom at all.

With distance learning, I used to think learning would be pre-packaged and compartmentalized (kind of like an Edgenuity set up), now I know distance learning requires even more differentiation and creativity than live instruction (in my opinion)

I've started having my students complete math work on a google doc so I can provide feedback.

With distance learning, I used to think I could only

I am enjoying trying to be more creative with lessons.

Now I use Zoom as an extra prerecorded lessons and found out that my students are reviewing them and they are learning from this new added tool.


With distance learning, I used to think I could only post assignments, but now I know I can make them more interactive with edpuzzle or through meetings with students.

I used to think I could only use Ed Puzzle as a whole group in class, now I know I can use it in distance learning and embed in my digital lessons.

I used to think I could only assign lessons now I am able to meet with my students live through Meet.


I used to think I could only assign lessons in Google Classroom, now I know there are other ways of assigning lessons.

I used the think that I could only assign materials, but now I know that I can model and teach lessons through loom pretending like students are there with me. Using loom has significantly decreased the number of questions that I was getting from parents.

With distance learning, I used to think I could only assign work with some direction given by my. Now I know I can teach complete and thorough lessons, much like in the classroom.

With distance learning, I found out that you can ask a question directly into the Google Classroom Stream, without having to create another attachment or other materials.

I used to think I could only attach videos made on YouTube, now I know there are many easy resources to use to create my own videos.

Now I make slideshows with prerecorded videos to offer extra help and understanding. Also I try to reply immediately to emails/questions to ensure students have the time they need/scheduled for each assignment.

Now I know how quickly we can adapt to use new platforms.

My first post was a worksheet and audio. Now I meet live and do video recordings and present.

With distance learning I used to think I could only post assignments on Google Classroom, now I know I can video-conference with students.

With Distance Learning, I used to think I could use google classroom in a similar way as I did in school, but now I've learned to record messages/lessons in Google Meets and I've learned how to set up tutoring sessions in Zoom. I have also used EDPuzzle a few years ago but am now relearning it. I have also become proficient at creating Google forms & interpreting the data.

With distance learning I used to think I could only assign lessons in Google Classroom, now I know I can use Google Meet to conference with students.

I used to think I could only assign lessons in Google Classroom, now I know I can use Google Meet to meet with the whole class as well as small groups of students.

With distance learning I used a lot of PDF's and quickly learned that it was difficult to use. I started creating google forms and using videos.

With distance learning, I used to think I could only communicate through the stream, now I know I can use google meet and zoom to actually see and talk with my students.

I used to think I could never do a Google Meet conference and now I do them daily.

Now I can construct assignments that includes Math notation and symbolization that students can work on directly. Up to now, I had students taking pictures of their work and uploading it to me.

I now have a better understanding of how to use google meet to work with students. I also learned how to use Loom. before I was using screencastify to record lessons, but I like Loom better.

I used to think I could post videos as is, but now I know I can insert questions and discussions along the way.

With distance learning, I used to think I could only upload slides presentations on google classroom, now I know of several ways to record my screen and voice to provide more explanation for the students.

With distance learning, I used to think I could only give students assignments to complete and answer comment questions along the way now I know I can record intro mini-lessons to post alongside the assignment. Students miss that part of instruction!

I used to think I could only call students or assign basic lessons in GC, now I know I can create more engaging lessons/presentations and teach the students in real time with Google Meet

With distance learning, I used to think I could only use LOOM to share my screen and give instructions now I know I can use screencastify.

I used to think I could only assign lessons on Google Classroom, now I know I can add videos (pre-made/Loom/EdPuzzle).

Only set up assignments, now I can have meetings and communicate directly with students

With distance learning, I used to think I could only utilize Google Classroom as a resource to help students learn the subject, now I know I can utilize other resources such as ZOOM or Google Meet to help students through face-to-face interaction.

I had no knowledge of Google Classroom and can now post assignments and hold Google Meets

With distance learning, I am now more comfortable using google classroom and assisting my students digitally.

With distance learning, I used to think I could only have lessons that went over previously learned lessons, now I know I can introduce and teach new learniing


With distance learning, I used to think I could only use google docs, now I know I can use other features of google classroom.

...use Pre-made Edpuzzles, now I can make my own questions.

Assign lesson and worksheet now I know I can meet with students

I used to think I could only post Google slides that the students could click through on their own, now I know I can use Loom or Voice Thread to narrate the information.

I used to think I could only create new assignments but now I have learned how to efficiently edit pdf's and make them editable. I also was intimidated by utilizing Google Meet but can now use it regularly with students and staff through my GC.

I used to use only Google Slides/Docs, now I use Loom, ReadWorks, and PBS.

I used to think I could only use lessons that I created myself, now I can use lessons from PBS and upload them directly to Google Classroom.

With distance learning, I Used to think I could only provide valuable feedback in person, but Now I know I can provide valuable feedback digitally and still build relationships with my students.

With distance learning, I used to think special education students would have greater challenges in being successful (due to lack of participation/engagement), now I know with regular Zooming, parental support, and teacher check-ins (although it was very challenging at first), special education students can be successful and learn through distance learning.

I used to think that I could only use platforms like Google Classroom and Flipgrid but now I can create an entire school video by utilizing Wevideo.


With distance learning, I used to think that I just had to post work at the kids level. Now I know that I need to work with the social emotional component far more than I need to work on the academic content.

With distance learning, I used to think I could only record videos of myself teaching a lesson, now I know I can use EdPuzzle to add in questions for the students to answer throughout the lesson.

I can use Google classroom with no problem and confidence.

I used to think I could only use what's on the page.... now I know i can think outside the box more often and trust my tech knowledge to create new lessons"

I used to think I could only assign lessons in google classroom, now I know I can record lessons and use interactive videos (flip grid) for students to respond.

With distance learning, I used to think I could only use basic computer skills to get by, but now i know I am becoming more confident in the use of technology.

meet with students virtually

With distance learning, I used to think I could only buy google slides, now I know I can create my own with instructional video links embedded right in.

With distance learning, I used to think I could only add links, now i learned how to create google forms and exit slips.

I used to think that I could only post resources. Now I know how to make and share videos, documents and interactive lessons. I now also have meets with my students.

I used to think that I was going to struggle finding resources to use, now I know I have a plethora to choose from and can find materials appropriate for my subject and grade levels.

I used to think I could only make simple fill in the blank style worksheet with google docs now I know I can use google slides to created a variety of engaging work including drag and drop activities.

I used to think I could only teach with paper and pencil , but now I have learned many online resources to use even when we go back to traditional school.

I am starting to use Google Meet.

I used to think I could only...post other people's videos and lessons....now I know I can....create my own videos for the lessons.

With distance learning, I used to think I could only assign worksheets and fill in the blank type assignments. Now I know I can have students watch videos, receive feedback, and use a variety of resources for learning.

With distance learning, I have further developed ways to directly interact with and more actively celebrate students' work outside of the building.

Which session would like to see next level learning on in the future? (Choose one)82 responses

Which session would like to see next level learning on in the future? (Choose one)

What else would you like to share with the PDEC committee? Please include your feedback here.

Marc Russo was great offering his support and troubleshooting problems!

I would just like the option to chose two schools in the first question. For example, RAISE & DHS. I teach for both schools. Other than that, I feel that today's platform was appropriate given our circumstances.

Thank you!

Thank you to the committee for all your support.

Jackie Nathman did an awesome job instructing how to use Edpuzzle

All PD's to date have been extremely helpful. Thank you.

9-11 is a difficult time to hop on to training. It is generally when I am working my own kids on their distant learning.

I enjoyed the self-guiding aspect of this PD

Nothing more.

I'd like to be able to join other Zoom meetings to increase my knowledge about distance learning. Having to host a meeting for 2 hours prevented me from learning anything new.

I found the PBS- resources very helpful- for the subjects that I Teach.

I liked being able to go back and forth between watching videos, talking to my grade partner, and exploring websites as I chose to.

I would like to learn more about VideoShop/WeVideo, and Instructional Resources, (Primary Source Documents"

Thank you for all that you do.

I think this was a great way to allow flexibility in our learning today! I was able to complete a lot of work and planning, while exploring new resources with support. Great job!

It was great to have time to learn/collaborate with colleagues!


Thanks for the flexibility of choice today đź‘Ť

I think Friday Flex day was a great idea for students/families to have time to take a breath and have extra time to complete work, but I would like the same time given to staff to make lessons/videos/Meet/Zoom/etc... versus PD sessions.

I was introduced to flipgrid from a teacher from another district, I would like to include a session on that next time

I would like to be able to see the viewpoint of google classroom that the students see. Some of them have difficulty navigating it and it would be helpful if I knew more about it. It is great to have all of this additional PD and resources but I still don´t feel fully comfortable with GC. I am someone, like many others, who had to self learn all of this and it is very overwhelming still. I try to help my students navigate but I am limited with what I know. The PD has been helpful but I would prefer to continue learning about the current resources I am using.

I was grateful for the flexibility of this PD. I feel I can only focus on one or two 'new' ideas at a time since they involve more time to implement. Making sure that I am 'prepared' for school day is so completely different than anything I ever done before that it takes a lot of mental energy and time to do already. Today's PD gave me the opportunity to go in at my own pace and watch a prerecorded video about EdPuzzle. I also watched several videos that YouTube recommended for me that were actually very good and I am glad that I was able to watch them. Time is so limited these days. Thank you for this time being used in such a personal way.

I like how Mike Rafferty did a trial and error session in showing us how to use PBS. He was also very open to questions, which is always helpful to the participants.

Would like to see an opportunity for curriculum collaboration session for high school teachers with district admin to utilize this time to discuss skills and struggles. Resources are great, but without a formalized curriculum for classes, it makes the work for teachers more difficult without a clear focus on what concepts, skills, and techniques students SHOULD have or SHOULD learn in a specific course/grade etc. Currently, because there is no formal curriculum, pacing guide, or recommended content/skills focuses, teachers are forced to teach/re-teach skills because there is no clear layout of skills that were addressed on a vertical or horizontal level through prior learning or curriculum in our district. I feel these resources are ways to just band aids avoiding the true issue that teachers are having (in the high school), with a lack of an actual curriculum.

I like the format of today's session because it provided some flexibility. For example, I had a phone call scheduled this morning to follow-up with the BCBA for one of my students and a Zoom session scheduled for 9:30 today. (These appointments were scheduled prior to the PD announcement.) By offering pre-recorded PD, I was able to attend the PD after my meetings. The flex-days in general offered the time for PD. After the original PD there were other PDs and videos that I wanted to explore. I thought I would get to it, but never had the time between creating differentiated lessons, Zoom meetings, reaching out to parents and students, grading, PPTs, etc. Today offered me the opportunity and the time to explore more distance learning options. Thank you!

Thank you to all presenters. I was good to learn from eachother.

I very much appreciated having this time to work and collaborate and hope it can continue

I love that we had this time to explore different options. I made a loom video and learned much more about it. Plus I found some great resources on PBS Learning website. It was GREAT!! THANK YOU!!

I’d like to learn more about how to share a screen and teach from it.

Thank you for allowing us time for self-directed professional development, so we can work at where we're at with the technology and/or resources. I like being able to review a previous session and take the time to work things out on my own.

Great job with the PD. There were many options and the prerecorded videos that I watched were well done and helpful.

This was very nice and helpful and did not feel like there was a lot of pressure to pick and choose. I was able to scroll around most of the resources and take away a lot from everything because so much was offered.

Please continue to allow us time to develop fluency in new technological platforms.

Which school are you from? (if you work in multiple locations, please choose all that apply)

As we plan the next Flex Friday professional development sessions, choose which structure would work best for your continued learning?