Parent Feedback


The chromebook provided by the school worked for about 4 days, however it isn’t charging when we plug in the charger so she is unable to use it. I was surprised to see the students messaging each other on Padlet. I have a concern over the safety of this platform. I’m only allowing my child to message under my supervision.

It would be very beneficial if his teacher would post a video lesson with certain assignments that he is not yet familiar with

My daughter mostly receives the communication from her teachers.

Hard for them to learn something they were not explained how to do it or learn it

Not enough explanation or properly

The assignments (math & science)

The specials are more time consuming and often frustrating.. for example.. just tell a child to make a paper airplane.. no need for a 5 minute YouTube video that frustrates child for not getting the folds just right... additionally.. some parents have strict no YouTube policies which when linking to all these different things causes issues between parents/children.. YouTube is one of the worst platforms for children to be on.. there is very little content control.. so teacher shares video and then the next video Youtube thinks you may like loads and may be inappropriate..

The teachers have been amazing with communication

I know there is communication about distance learning, but it is still not very clear to me as a parent. Maybe it's still in the trial and error phase, but I don't know what the assignments are and how they are being tracked and graded. Are the teachers available during the day for the entire day? If the hours of availability are limited then what are they? Where can my son go for extra help? He is in a 504 plan. It's still not very clear. I understand that it has caught us all off guard, but I feel the communication could be a little better for the parents to understand what the expectation is for all. Thank you.

I found this process with easy to navigate computer. Teaching at home is a doozy! Thank you so much!! Greatly appreciated! One suggestion is there away to do zoom with 1st grade class once a week. Just to say hi to everyone. Homeclass room.

I’ve only heard from one teacher directly. With that being said , I know that I can reach out to any of them if I had any questions.

The distance learning has worked great for our son. Mrs Torreli has done a great job preparing lessons

Some classes have due date as of healthcare worker who still go to work dosen't have much time to help the kid, turn in assignment one per week would be nice.

My daughter is getting frustrated with the learning as not having face to face to help with her music is leading to lots of tears for her and frustration bc we cannot help her.

The teacher is not communicating with parents. When she does it’s confusing

Mrs sill has done an amazing job at keeping contact with us and helping out every way she can!

Mrs boroski have been a wonderful help and always fields my questions in a timely manner. She LOVES all her students and has showed in the past but more now that she will go above and beyond to help in anyway she can. We are very blessed to have her as a teacher.

No teacher has communicated with me.

Honestly it is all new but so far so good!!

Haven’t heard from the teachers, but in 9th I would expect most communication be between teacher and student, not parent.

First week was a bit overwhelming. We are all still adjusting. Hoping for a better weeks to come

Would like to know that she knows he’s online the attendance

How is she suppose to bring her grade up if the teacher hasn’t been posting work?

I don’t believe our children should be learning from other teachers with different styles if they aren’t in their class/es. They should only be receiving work and being taught by/from their normal/routine teachers.

It seems like my kid is whizzing through his assignments, so to me it seems like he's not doing enough.

A special thank you to Kathleen Miller who has been extremely helpful and prompted with her answers to any questions we had.

There is too much work being assigned and some material was never taught. Also, myself and other parents are still out working (I am in healthcare). We try to complete assignments outside of normal hours, but there are certain subjects I just cannot help with. Also, it is a bit strange to navigate....the assignments are in multiple places, which I am not sure that can be helped. We think we are done and find more.

I would love to see the teachers meet with the class as a group once a week or so on Zoom or another meeting app, rather than it be all email or messages on Google Classroom. I think it would be beneficial to keep that human connection.

You knee this was coming. The kids should have been better prepared using Crome books. Most parents are not teachers. I resent when a professional states that there in the same boat as we are.

I am so grateful to all of the staff who has worked so hard to help all of the kids continue to learn during this time. Thank you for all that you do each day (and night)!

I don't have a clear understanding of her assignments. she typically has resource and support due to her IEP. Through this process she is working 7 days a week and longer than a typical school day and I am not sure how she is performing or learning the information. It's causing her stress

Ideally I would love to see the next day's assignments the night before. I've been missing some assignments as they aren't posted until almost 9:00. At that point we've kind of mapped out a plan and I've gathered all the materials. Occasionally my mom has the girls and I need to know what the assignments are ahead of time - by 9am I am already working or in meetings.

Haven’t gotten emails from teachers but I can see that they are on Twitter. Most communication is from Dr. Conway.

Last week there were over 35 assignments between class and UA. Very overwhelming for both my child and myself.

We limited screen time before and now everything is on a screen.Plus our child gets distracted so easily, opening other tabs to play games or do other things is just too easy now.

The teacher is always available when needed and provides great feedback for the work being done

Teachers are just posting online. Some have tried Zoom. We would prefer some pre-recorded videos to accompany assignments.

It would be more helpful if the due dates were more obvious and the assignments for the day would be posted either the day before or before 9am because my child is up early.

Teachers have not communicated with me directly. Teachers only post busy work on to google class room and some teachers tell my child to go online and take live stream courses that they are not even teaching. Teachers from other states are teaching the course. They have only had 1, if that zoom classes and those are only to check in to see how everyone is doing. They are not teaching the kids, just giving out assignments.

I would love things to be posted earlier or the night before so my early riser can do it at 7 instead of 9 ;) . The 5 different assignments plus iready math and reading put him on the computer for basically two hours a day

This is overwhelming for parents who still have to work, especially on night shift.

Both teachers mrs hyde and mrs mullinex have been ABSOLUTELY amazing through this. Both have spent many hours communicating with me due to my lack of computer skills. Also the children love to see there faces on there during school time. Both teachers are missed very very much by my children and myself. Thank u for all the hard work you guys are doing.

The staff is doing the best they can and a phenomanal job

Ma. Nathman has been AMAZING thought this process

I appreciate all of you so much in these times working on this as much as you all are! Truly grateful my daughter goes to this school!!

Hoping to get use to this since i have more them 2 kids doing this

We miss everyone from school

Haven't spoke to my child's

Irving is a bit harder to have on the computer I believe he may not understand how to work on the computer

Mr Croft is doing an excellent job of helping us teach our kids and working with what we have I can’t say enough good things about this teacher. I applaud all his effort to stay in contact with us as parents while reaching out to the kids and letting them still feel like a class together even if it’s virtual. Thanks for all the support everyone has given, you guys are awesome. -Vivienne & Benito Roman

Communication has been awesome!!!

I think the time scheduled for unified arts is a little too much.

Too much is listed for unified arts.

Grade 4 Teachers are doing a great job communicating with us(parents)

I love the way Mr.Croft is working with the students and the parents. .💜

It’s hard for my son to teach himself — I wish there was a more structured schedule and more videos from teachers actually teaching !!

I think they should be assigned more work. .

I wish they had the opportunity to actually be in a semi class setting at least once a week with their teacher so they don’t loose that.

we have a computer from irving it works well

We truly appreciate the time and effort of all the teachers of LRU to ensure that our child is able to learn! The interactive videos and incorporation of at home/outside items has been very fun to watch. Thank you!

it is very helpful for my daughter

thank you for you time and dedication

My son needs to work on writing, not just typing. So I have created tasks for him to complete. Parent participation is key.

I would love to incorporate more offline learning into my child's day. Spending all this time on the computer makes my child a crab.

Miss Estrella has been great communicating with me and she always answered any questions I have. Thank you Miss Estrella.

Homeroom teacher gives too little work. There are 3-4 assignments posted each day.There should be more questions to each assignment.What i don’t understand is if music, art and PE meets once per week, why do they give assignments on a daily basis? Most of the assignments need parents guidance. A third grader cant do this on his/her own. This is taking a lot of time from our busy schedule. We are trying to make a living and these three classes are taking more time from us than his homeroom classwork. I wouldn’t be complaining about the assignments if i have no job and the kid could do the work on his/her own. Please review Art, music and PE assignments and reconsider adjusting accordingly.

I personally haven’t heard from any of my daughters teachers. I would like to know if she is on track.

Everything is good

The amount of time my child's teacher(s) have been accessible has been:303 responses


My child feels if she emails the teacher she is Now bothering them

While this is new, I have to say the teachers have done a great job putting stuff together and have been responsive.

Derby Staff you all are AWESOME!

Thank you to the staff and for making themselves available to the kids. I know this hasn’t been easy for anyone and is a huge adjustment. Kudos to all!

My child’s teacher should be in front of them not me

Mrs. Klabonski has been so wonderful and patient!

All have been responsive and fairly prompt via messaging when there were questions

She told me to call if i have questions or concerns.

They’re available via email, and now, as well as in the past, I have found the teachers and staff to be very responsive.

When you have a question they should get back to you in a reasonable amount of time, not the next day

All of my daughters teachers have been easy to reach which is outstanding!

a teacher called to check in the beginning of the time away. due to technology my daughter is driving the schooling process and I don't really know how well she is doing. I am still working and don't keep hourly tabs on her work. I am relying on her to manage the work load. in the past I would rely on powerschool to keep updated on how she is doing and what is falling behind.

My child hasn’t needed to contact them yet.

Mrs O has answered questions even after school hours.

My child had to email the teachers directly and they would get back to my child.

His teachers great

Teachers are responding to questions.

Always there when I need them. And too much is a good thing

Ms. Nathman is accessible at all times during the school day

The 2nd grade team has been amazing. Mrs. Ventura always gets back to us when we have a question or concern.

Haven't reached out to my child's teacher

Mrs. Detoro is available always and responds almost immediately, no matter what time it is. She's amazing.

My child’s teachers have responded super quick whenever I have reached out for assistance. You rock Bradley 😊

Excellent !!! Thanks Mr. Croft.

I love the Zoom meetings and I can tell the kids do as well. They love getting to communicate with their teachers and classmates! It's great seeing teachers using something like this for the first time. I am sure it must be stressful, learning this new technology on the fly, but they are doing a wonderful job!

Great every email has been responded too immediately when student has a question

Miss Brianna is AMAZING!

teacher is very helpful and supportive

The teachers are all wonderful angels...

I believe the teachers make themselves available to the kids which I appreciate.

Everything is good


My kids are not enjoying have the same breakfast and lunch everyday. Can we please give them a variety! Hot lunches would be appreciated.

It’s just a lil adjustment or to make sure my child is actually do the assignments when I’m out delivering Mail

Children with IEP needs more communication with support.

Specials do not need to be daily.. once a week would work.. the specials seem to have caused us in our house more aggravation than the educational content..the focus should be the educational content.. specials should be fun.. they aren’t..

It’s hard to answer these questions when you don’t know what it should be to know if it’s too much or too little

I don't know, because I don't understand the process.

Too much with specials everyday. 2x a week would be enough.

My son is spending 6-7 hours of work a day. He has advised he’s getting more work in a day then he did in school. To me this is too much. I don’t want this to lead to darker times. I am all for work and he is one to never complain so I wanted to mention. Maybe it was just the first week.

My husband and I are essential and working from home and cannot manage the school work for both children. The burden is on us to check and upload and send proof of the child’s work. The assignments are not clear. Additionally I am barely keeping it together then pe, music, art and leap too get out of town. We will take the f

Should just focus only on core

Classes. Too much work at a computer all day. Not enough time to complete all assignments. Kids with 504 plans- (adhd )should be given a reduced work load. Parents are working and not able to teach their children. It’s hard to know when things are due, each class has multiple assignments and multiple due dates. The workload is unrealistic- the kids aren’t in a school setting and cannot be expected to do the same amount of work while at home. Grading also shouldn’t be held to the same criteria. All kids should get an A just for attempting to complete. During these crazy times we need time to be together as a family. The amount of stress that the school work has created has made our home a place of tension. I’m doing my best to help my child but I cannot continue to expect

My child to complete all these assignments. It’s just too much. Please adjust this as we all need to remember what is important and the children really aren’t going to be able to learn as if they are in school. They are home and expectations put on these children are more than universities are expecting of their students.

Mrs. Torelli has done a great

Job! She has put descriptions and videos to help parents navigate the school work. She also uploaded videos of her actually teaching the material as if she was in class. This allowed my child to follow along and pause when he needed to. The amount of work has been perfect. My child can complete it and it isn’t too overwhelming for either of us.

There is more work now than he did in school. Too many assignments. Not enough support.

I'd have to say the amount of work has been unbalanced among teachers (some too much/some just right), but distance learning has been stressful due to the fact that I am still working full-time from home, trying to keep up with meals, chores, etc.

Thank you all for working so hard to help all our children!!!

In general I think my student could be more challenged, but I imagine things may get more challenging as the students as a whole become more comfortable with this distance learning.

Definitely would LOVE to see more interaction in a real time way (like zoom) to help with the social/emotional element, keep kids more connected to each other. The isolation will wear on them more over time. (As it is on us all.)

Keep up the good work everyone!

I feel having a child with special needs especially has been difficult in general but i know some other kids that dont like that much screen time the assignments to print out i feel are 100 percent better and maybe the exercise video with Jack Hartman is good but other than that i feel not as much work needs to be assigned to the students we are parents not teachers. Im sorry for having a kind of negative intake on this but i agree with some activities but parents shouldnt have to be teachers they are home this isnt a structured setting like class so my son doesnt really get it especially since he has autism .

Either hes not doing it or hes doing it real fast

It is hard for parents to teach the material if they are not educators themselves and time is limited for those still at work. Thank you for trying though as this is all new and scary for us all. Stay safe!

I also have a kindergartner, and a 4th grader...

For the most part it’s an appropriate amount. I do find that the math work on Kahn Academy is maybe a bit too much, especially for a child like mine who struggles with math and has trouble focusing on it for more than an hour a day. It would be great if math could do some classroom instruction on Zoom as well. The Kahn Academy videos are great but more personal instruction can compliment that.

I don’t feel they should have classes in PE,art or music. This is a life and death matter. That’s why we are home. We shouldn’t have to go out to buy art supplies or buy other books. Most of us are out of work

I feel very disconnected with understanding what my child is doing and how she is learning. I would hope if there is a problem or she is falling behind with coursework a teacher would reach out. As I said both me and my husband are working so we aren't sitting with her to complete assignments.

Too many assignments and only getting back about half of them graded from teachers.

Thank you!

It’s just very hard as a working parent to leave this work up to a grandparent to help with this. And then by the time I get home we are onto meltdowns.

It’s very hard to help my child while I am at work all day and leave it to a grandparent to assist. By the time I get home we are onto arguments and attitudes.

Gianna is very self-directed and success-oriented. However, she has expressed a higher level of stress about "having too much to do" than she typically does during a normal school week. I'm not 100% sure if it is because she has an increased amount of work, or if it just feels this way to her now that "classwork" time and homework time have merged. There are four student learners and a pre-schooler in this household, plus adults working from home; it isn't possible for me to closely monitor her transitions between subjects and classes. She has made her own schedule using the assignments on Google classroom, and their posted due dates. She seems able to complete everything. Again, it is just her expression of "having too much to do/I'm stressed" that causes me some concern.

I'm sure to other kids/parents it's fine. For us, it's an all day adventure.

There is a lot of work but I like the way we can work at our own pace.

3rd grader is very comfortable with google classroom. Missing her teacher but loving the videos of the daily reading!

The extra work of pe music art leap and steam is too much for working parents

My son has special needs; his special education team has been great at outreach, but I am concerned that some of his teachers are not differentiating his work, as we are receiving assignments without differentiation.

Mrs Brehm has been flexible which is hugely helpful.

They could use more time as they adjust to this, if they ever do adjust. They still prefer being st the school.

The google classroom is very confusing and I feel like there’s too much work and it’s just making it very stressful for my son as well as me

Working parents with limited time to homeschool

It is extremely challenging as a single parent with two young children doing distance learning when I have my own job to do. It is very overwhelming.

Too much work initially but it has slowed down and is more flexible with due dates which helpis

Teachers have been assigning a lot of work to do online. Seems to me more work to be done now than ever before. Like I said, they are not teaching the material, just assigning work to be completed, then the work is corrected.

There’s quite a bit of assignments a day (5 or so)but they are short so it’s perfect.

3.5-4 hours on the computer each day

The UA programs add too much stress, and layering optional material add confusion and more unnecessary screen time

Thank you again for all that you do to help all of us!!

Its the right amount justva little unorganized

The AMOUNT of work assigned has been adequate and there have been a couple of interesting activities, but the CONTENT seems to be lacking in that it is all review work. Based on reports from my child, there isn't much new material at all. iReady moves them from level to level and there is some new material, but that's only a few minutes per day. Kahn Academy is previous material and even very simple material from years ago. Writing assignments are graded but there is no feedback given or corrections made. Also, some assignments only display as "Graded" but no grade is shown. There is no way to know where the student stands. Some grades are shown as a point value out of 100, but not all.

Maybe assignments can be given one day prior to being due. Monday parents can view work for Tuesday, Tuesday parents can view work for Wednesday.

So far so good, I know most of us are working from home and this has been a challenge trying to juggle our professional

lives, helping our children navigate this new way of learning, being a teacher, social worker, and principal all in one....Bless you all for your hard work and dedication to our children. Kudos for getting this all together so quickly 🙏😊🙏😊

My kids have had way too much expected of them and assignments to get done in the allotted time frame while trying to teach themselves their the curriculum. They are straight students with a great work ethic but now having so much difficultly, I know not everything is easy but the load they are expected to complete should be lessened.

I feel there is too much work due daily. She spends over 8 hours a day staring at a computer.

It seemed like a lot at first but then once we got into it, it wasn't so bad. I appreciate how everything is planned out.

It's too much

Amount of time on assignments was just right until Music, art, and PE were added for daily assignments.

Amount of time was good until Music, art, and PE were added.

The first week was crazy. I wasn't ready for them to be home while I was still going to the office. We didn't do the packet. The next week was crazy, I didn't know what to expect, and it seemed like a lot of work, especially with the specials added on, but we did it all, albeit late. The teachers gave full credit anyway, and we appreciate that! We started out better this week, because I know better and the kids know better, what to expect. I like having easy things for them to do, videos to watch that are due right away, and I like have more difficult things due the next day, or the end of the week and even weekend. I like that the teachers don't all schedule their writing assignments to be due on the same day. I cannot believe the teachers were able to pull this all together so quickly. Amazing!!

The amount of work has been "just right" for the average child, maybe a little much for the child on the 504 plan who needs a LOT of attention and help staying on track. However, I have never had problems with teachers giving leeway and extra time if needed, and I didn't have any problems last week either. All the teachers gave sufficient time to turn things in and the few assignments we turned in late for the specials were awarded full credit. I know if I have any issues helping the kids keep up with the work that I just have to reach out to the teachers. Amazing work, getting this program up and running so fast! Everyone should be very proud.

I like google classroom and feel that the teachers have done an excellent job in the short time they had to prepare . However, I do think that more structure would be helpful - go back to the scheduled days ( A, B, C, etc ).... each teacher should have a video each day for each class ....this would be most helpful and beneficial for the students. It is hard for the kids to watch a video and teach themselves. We love Mrs Andrews Videos !!

This is a very challenging for our family- we work in essential jobs and we are not always home to guide our son in the daily learning- additional online teaching support is needed for the kids. Perhaps the teachers could go live Via zoom at the exact time Class would start —they could teach the lesson as they would have in the classroom .... please consider 🙏

Students in 6th grade should have actual meetings daily with maybe one teacher each day.

Sometimes it does seem like a lot and sometimes she spends most of the day doing work but that is also her fault because an assignment that should take her 10-15min ends up taking her an hour.



I appreciate the calls and how the teachers are available through email.

I think it could be a little harder.

Confused where my child should answer questions in private comments or class comments. I see lots of kids answering in class comments but figured we should be using private comments so it goes directly to the teacher and kids are not copying answers.

Also when I mark an assignment as been done sometimes it will not mark as done. I think it needs attachments sometimes but there is no attachment so not sure what to do.

My only wish is that they would mail home workbooks that could be filled out since we have no access to a printer at this time. Kids need work that is written in. We were not given a packet of work before schools were closed. just a list of websites. I want to lesson the screen time, and have some work that can be done independently.

The amount of work that we are getting from the classroom teacher is great. It is all the extra things that we are having a hard time with. Do we still have to do the original learning packet that was sent home? Why does my child have to log 60 minutes of activity per day then still have a gym class once a week? How are we supposed to get all this done if there are 2 children in different grades and parents still working from home?

I'm confused about the days of special and how they work.

My son is doing two classes so I think it is good for him.

I don’t think teachers should be taking points off assignments if they are turned in past 3:15p. You don’t know what the home environment is like. For example, both my husband and I are working from home. It’s more important that the adults have a good connection and unfortunately when everyone is on at once, we can’t work. Also, we have been hit with some death in our family due to the virus which resulted in an assignment being turned in past 315, but she turned it in the same day. As a family we were grieving and not thinking about getting an assignment turned in.

Everything is good

We’re focusing on the academic work but rarely complete all assignments. It’s a lot for a first grader. Also, 1.5 hours of unified arts daily is excessive. They usually have these classes once per week, why are there assignments every day? We try to do one for each class per week. But typically we are doing our own art projects and physical activity every day. It’s nice to have the assignments there for new ideas sometimes, but I don’t think they should be required.