Challenges and School Initiatives on the Implementation of the School-Based Feeding Program in the New Normal in the Public Elementary Schools of Mallig District

Roxy R. Aranda, PhD, PSDS, Mallig District; Everlina G. Santiago, Principal III, San Jose Norter Elementary School; Rolando P. Santiago, Principal I, San Jose Sur Elementary School



This paper studied the challenges and school initiatives in the implementation of the School-Based Feeding Program (SBFP) in the New Normal in Mallig District during the school year 2020-2021. Respondents of this study were the SBFP Focal persons, school heads, and parents. The study employed quantitative methods, including virtual surveys and informal online interviews. Findings revealed that the SBFP focal persons and school heads of the SBFP are primarily female. They are above 50 years old, BEEd or BSEd with M.A. Units, and in service with DepEd for 6-10 years. Also, parent-respondents of the SBFP are primarily female and are early adults. The delayed release of the fund to schools is perceived to be the highest of the challenges met. Meanwhile, the parents' residence from the drop area to pick up the items for feeding is considered the highest of their perceived challenges. However, this study reveals no significant difference in the challenges met by parents of the SBFP beneficiaries in the 16 implementing schools of the SBFP when grouped according to their profile variables. Furthermore, there is no significant difference in the challenges teachers and school heads met on SBFP implementation in the New Normal when grouped according to their profile variable. The researchers recommend strengthened partnerships and crafting an action plan for better program implementation.

Keywords: nutrition, health, beneficiaries

Year: 2024

posted on April 23, 2024

How to Cite

Aranda, R., Santiago, E., & Santiago, R. (2024). Challenges and School Initiatives on the Implementation of the School-Based Feeding Program in the New Normal in the Public Elementary Schools of Mallig District. Saringit, 4(1), 7-13.