Isabela's research team commences berf 10 research evaluation; eyes on qualifying 100 studies

by: Russel Jane B. Agpaoa, Santo Tomas District

Editor: Aileen Joy R. Mora, Jones Rural School

Given its call for submission of Basic and Action Research proposals as stated in Division Memorandum No.2, s.2024, the Schools Division Office of Isabela through its Planning and Research Section conducted its initial evaluation of research proposals for the Basic Education Research Fund (BERF) Batch 10 at Piazza Zicarelli, Gamu, Isabela on January 22-24.

“To improve the quality of our applied and action research, one must undergo a thorough assessment and deliberation by the group of research evaluators so that SDO-Isabela will have a better implementation which would yield more favorable results in the academe,” expressed LD Coordinator Arturo B. Nool, PhD, CESE in his message.

Dr. Nool also underscored the role of the Division Research Technical Working Group (DRTWG) in carefully assessing the feasibility and novelty of the studies submitted so that they may also be contest materials in the upcoming Regional Planning Conference.

Meanwhile, SEPS Tirso T. Reyes, the division research focal person, prompted the DRTWG members to observe the dynamics of the research process and the implication of the evaluation wherein the proponents should receive and incorporate the constructive feedback and suggestions for integration on their final screening and selection.

With a total of 31 Basic Research and 78 Action Research, the DRTWG Members prepared a systematic evaluation scheme by grouping the manuscripts according to major areas which were later scored based on the criteria for both Basic and Action Research.

The research team is expecting to come up with 20 Basic Research and 80 Action Research as recipients of BERF-Batch 10. #

Advocating chain of excellence

SDO-Isabela’s PRU fronts convergence for collab expertise 

by: Catherine P. Seterra, Head Teacher I, San Francisco ES, Roxas West District;

Editor: Aileen Joy Rabago Mora

SDO-Isabela’s Planning and Research Unit once again showcased Isabeleńo’s enthusiasm for continuous professional growth and development as it conducted its colloquium for innovation and non-BERF research on Friday, July 29.

Bringing together a myriad of proponents of research and innovation in Isabela, the said event highlighted 55 sets of innovation proposals, completed innovations, basic and action research which were presented by both school heads and teachers.

“May this intellectually stimulating and transformative activity allow us to realize the power of research and innovation to drive a positive change that will continually shape the future of the SDO Isabela learners,” said Research Focal Person Tirso Reyes.

SEPS Reyes also strategized a well-defined session by grouping the team into five with 11 presenters, each led by five members of the division technical working group.

It has been noted that the Division Research Team successfully concluded its Division Planning Conference last June while preparing the BERF-8 recipients for the regional level.

While this convergence was set to provide technical assistance for non-BERF researchers and innovation proponents for effective implementation.

SDO-Isabela’s top management also ensured its support to this academic engagement as it aimed to promote knowledge exchange, facilitate networking, and explore novel approaches to tackling contemporary challenges in the field of education.

“We will be bringing back to our schools with new insights and collaboration as our learnings will surely be felt across schools and communities,” Julie M. Maneja, one of the attendees expressed.

planning for the e-saringit

City of Ilagan, Isabela, July 31, 2023. The Research Secretariat met with the ASDS Dante J. Marcelo for the electronic version of the Saringit. ABANGAN!