Readiness of Teachers in the Implementation of Blended Learning in Santo Tomas District: Basis for Technical Assistance

Rebecca G. Acson PhD, PSDS, Santo Tomas District; Rodelyn M. Manuel, Principal I, Balelleng Elementary School; Anna Liza R. Galasinao, Principal I, Sabtang Central School



It has been said that technology is the best tool that will address the constraints brought about by COVID-19 most especially in the educational system. The success of implementing this technology, however, depends on the readiness of the teachers since they are considered the frontliners in delivering quality education. This paper focused on assessing the readiness of the 99 teachers of Sto. Tomas District along with the implementation of a blended-learning transition amid the COVID-19 crisis using a quantitative research design, a survey questionnaire, and an interview guide tool. It investigated the teachers' preparedness for implementing blended learning, examining variations tied to profile variables such as plantilla positions, years in service, and levels of training. The application of Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) underscores significant differences, emphasizing the necessity for tailored professional development programs. The challenges in readiness encompass negotiating favorable dispositions, ambivalence in learner-content interaction, aligning traditional and online assessments, impartial readiness for student-student interaction, and establishing routines for blended learning. These findings underscore the intricate nature of transitioning to blended learning. To address these challenges and bolster overall readiness, a holistic strategy involving pedagogical, technological, and organizational considerations is recommended. The findings from this study offer valuable guidance for developing targeted interventions and policies to facilitate a smoother integration of blended learning in educational contexts.

Keywords: teacher readiness, blended learning, COVID 19, assessment

Year: 2024

posted on April 23, 2024

How to Cite

Acson, R.,  Manuel, R., & Galasinao, A. (2024). Readiness of Teachers in the Implementation of Blended Learning in Santo Tomas District: Basis for Technical Assistance. Saringit, 4(1), 14-18.